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FUCK I DID IT AGAIN! JESUS! Ok, I'm serious this time. I'm going to update every SATURDAY! Follow me on twitter to remind me please! @/kylievictoria1

Please Read!

OH, and I'm helping my friend Chelsea write her own story on here! She's only starting to write it now, but it's going to be called Black Jacket. Its about this 18 year old girl named Someone that went to kinda of an insane asylum for the way she was acting, and she killed someone. Her lawyer doesn't think she's crazy though. So she goes to therapy and meets someone who's training in that field and stuff happens. So, the first chapter is up and please go give it it chance! LOVE YOU!

Ryan's body goes rigid but he's still speeding down the street. "What did you just say?"

"I love you." I repeat. I can feel the tears filling up my eyes. My best friend. My kidnapper. My stalker. Is sitting in front of me. Bags under his eyes, wrinkles lining his forehead. What did I do? How did this happen? I pushed them away once I moved here. He was there for me, but I never put another thought into them. I love him with all my heart can offer him.

"O, I have bought the mansion of a love,
But not possess'd it, and, though I am sold,
Not yet enjoy'd" ~Romeo and Juliet

I may have the love but it's not the love he wants. Or what I want from him. He's not the one I need. But he needs me. Which I can't help him with. I have to play along. Ryan is not the Ryan I know. His sweet, carefree personality is gone. This person, sitting next to me, is broken. His heart, shattered, and I'm walking on the pieces.

Ryan just stares at my widely. All that can be heard is the snores coming from Kasey. I can finally see the hand on the speedometer get closer to zero. At last he finally pulls over to the curb.

"You, you love me?" His voice is shaky. I can't do anything else but nod. In the moon light, his eye sparkle. He shows off his perfect teeth. "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words from you, and not in a friendly way." He puts his head down in a blushing manor. I can still see him smiling.

You have to continue with this.

I reach across the center console. I put my fingers under his chin, bringing his head back up. For a second we're staring at each other.
"I love you." I repeat for the third time.
His eyes shine. They crinkle at the edges as he smiles. He brings his hands up to my cheeks. His lips attach to mine, quickly moving. My eyes shoot open.

Connor. He's all I can think about at this moment. I'm cheating. I'm hurting the one I actually love without him knowing it. What am I doing? A tear slips from my eye. Ryan pulls back with a face scrunched in confusion.

"Kylie, what's wrong?" His voice is laced with confusion. Play along.

"Nothing, nothing. These are happy tears." I put on the best fake smile I can. Connor, I'm so sorry.

"Well, where were we?" He smirks and a shiver runs up my spine. He grabs my face yet again

Have you ever wondered how things happen? How do birds fly? How can a cheetah run so fast? But then again, those are natural things. It takes no thought, it just happens. Does that happen with love? We can't help who we fall in love with. Our hearts just race when we see them. When we think about them. Even when we hear their name. We imagine doing the simplest things with them. Cooking. Watching a movie. Cuddling. Its nature. So is saying I love you. Its not really a thought, the words just come tumbling out if your mouth. They don't mean anything anymore! Now a days, I'm surprised strangers on the street don't say it to each other. My heart clenches. Every time I said it to Connor, how seriously did he take it? Did his heart race? Or did he just brush it off? He easily said it right back. After this, I don't know how I'm going to tell Connor I love him anymore. That's if I ever do say it to him again. This thinking is giving me a headache. I pull away from Ryan. They're an instant hurt expression on his face.

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