Best Day Ever!

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This has to be the best way to be right now. I wish I could pause this moment with Connor right across from me.

"KYLIE!" He yells.

"What, what!" I scream looking around. Connor starts laughing like crazy. We're eating breakfast, and I guessed I zoned out. "Sorry I was just thinking how perfect this is." I confess. I start to blush as Connor's laughing calms down.

"Aww Kylie!" He says trying not the laugh.

I lean over and slap his arm.

"OWWW!" He yells. Now it's my turn to laugh. "Then you shouldn't make fun of me." I throw back at him.

He stops rubbing his arm and runs over to my side of the table. As I'm still laughing he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "CONNOR PUT ME DOWN!" I yell. But runs over to the couches and throws me down. He climbs on top and pins me down.

"And thats what you get." He says.

After the pain in my stomach from laughing dies down, I lean up to kiss him but he turns his head to fast so my lips connect with his cheek.

"Connor!" I gasp. "You aren't getting any kisses till you apologize." I start pouting to try to make him feel bad.

"Not gonna work this time." He states but I keep pouting. "Please?" I whine. "Fine, only because I love you." He says.

My heart flutters every time I hear those words from him no matter how many times he says them. He gives me a long passionate kiss which soon turns into a very heated make out. His hands make their way to my hips as my hands find his neck and pulling him closer. Deepening the kiss. After a few minutes we are completely out of breath. We break the kiss and Connor lays his forehead on mine.

"What do you wanna do today?" He whispers.

"Do you wanna hang out with everyone? Like the guys, Andrea, Jenn, Ryan, Lilly, Rebecca, Alexa and my sister?" I ask him.

He smiles and nods. "Sure, that'd be fun." He states. He helps me off the couch and I head up stairs to get a shower. Once I get out I put on a pair of black distressed high waisted shorts, a cropped plain white t-shirt, and my black converse. I decide to curl my hair, and pin back the front with a bow.

I keep my make-up natural but add a red lip. I leave the bathroom to let Connor have a shower.

When he's done, he's wearing his red shirt with a tribal print pocket, some khaki pants, his tribal print TOMS, and a black neff beanie.

"Wow.." He says breathless as he looks at me. "You look- Wow." He says. I start blushing and smile at him. "I think I should be saying the same to you, you look handsome." I say. I know, I know. This is his usual attire, but I just can't get enough of him. He's amazing. I walk over and place my hands on his chest, reach up and give him a kiss. His hands instantly find my waist and pulls me closer.

He goes to text all the guys while I go to text the girls and Ryan. Once I'm about to I see I got a text from Carly.

'Kasey wants to talk! What if she knows?!' ~Carly

My heart stops for what seems like a lifetime. I just stare at my phone.

She can't know! Can she? No, thats impossible!

Thoughts are just racing through my head as Connor walks into my room. He walks over and raps his arms around my waist.

"Did you text the gi- Whats wrong?" He says turning me around.

I hand him my phone and sit on my bed. Once he reads it, his eyes go wide. "How could she know?" He asks confusion washing over his face.

"I do-- don't know." I stutter. He sets my phone down on my night stand and crouches in front of me and takes my hands.

"Hey, its ok. I'm sure she doesn't know." Connor says.

"But what if she does?" I say.

"Then she can come talk to me!" He says in a girls voice.

I start laughing and look up at him.

"Lets go out, and have fun. Text Carly after she meets with Kasey, so you don't start anything. Ok?" He asks me.

"Ok." I say smiling. He gives me a kiss and tells me to text the girls and Ryan

(Carly's prov)

"Ok so we have to---" Kasey starts telling me all about how she's gonna come back at Kylie. This is wrong. I can't go through with this, Kylie was so nice, and she's one of my best friends. But Kasey can't find out.

You know what I'll listen to her plan, I'll find out what she wants me to do. But I will tell Kylie everything, and in the end I'll turn on Kasey. I don't care anymore, this girl is crazy.

"You got it?" She asks with a smirk on her face. I so wanna hit her.

"Yep 100%" I say and smile back.

"Well then, bye." She says and leaves with out another word.

She's using me, definetly, I should've listened to Kylie. She needs to get what is coming with her.

(Kylie's prov)

We called everyone and they all can come. We decided to go bowling with Jc & Deanna.

Its been about an hour since Carly sent that text.

"She has to be alone by now." I say to myself.

'Hey are you still with Kasey?' I text her.

'No she left like 10 minutes ago.'

'So whats going on?' I cautiously ask her.

'She wants to ruin you.. I know everything I'll tell you when we can meet. She needs to go down.'

I smile at her text knowing she wants to help me.

'Ok, how about tomorrow?'

'Thats fine. :)'

'Thanks Carly; really. :)'

'No problem. See ya tomorrow.'

'Bye. :D' I finally send her. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest.

"Kylie are you ready?" Connor yelled from down stairs.

"Yeah coming!"

(20 minutes later)

We finally made it to the bowling alley and it was amazing! It was pitch black inside but it had all these bright lights lighting up the alleys and everything. They were playing amazing music, this is like the best day ever!

I decided to take out my vlog camera and start vlogging, because I haven't made a video in forever!

"Hey guys!" I say loudly to drown out the music.

Once everyone heard me speak they all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

They noticed what I was doing and quickly ran over, trying to fit all their faces in the screen.

"Well, as you can see I'm with these lovely people." I say gesturing to everyone one behind me.

Everyone is pushing each other out just to get their face in the shot and it's hilarious!

"Right now we are bowling! Its so amazing!" I say as I turn the camera to show them everything.

"So, can you guess who's winning." I say flipping my hair. "If you guessed me your wrong!" I start laughing.

"It's actually Ricky! Ricky come say hi!" I yelled towards him.

"Hey, gurl hey! So yes I'm winning obviously!" He says pretending to flip his hair and I push him out of the frame.

Then 'The Way' by Ariana and Mac Miller stars playing.

"THIS IS MY SONG!" I yell to the camera.

We all start dancing and just having to best time ever!

"Well guys, I'm gonna go kick Ricky's butt, so I'll vlog later!" I wave and just as I'm about to turn it off Connor comes running towards me. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. Then he kisses my cheek. "Bye Guys!" He says to the camera.

I blush at his actions, and shut off the camera.

I smile at him and give him a real kiss.

"Ricky are you ready to get your ass beat!" I yell to him.

"In your dreams!" He yells back.

"Oh we'll see about that!"


At around 2:00 we were finally done with bowling. And yes, I beat Ricky! I have not stopped bragging about it to him.

"Oh, shut up Kylie! It was one time!" He says after about 10 minutes of me saying, "Hey Ricky, who lost at bowling, you did!"

"Yeah and many more to come." I retort.

"Hey, guys lets go get Fro-yo!" Kian yells.

"And Boba!" Connor yells.

"Deal!" The girls yell.

We all head to get Boba first. Me being new to Cali, I never had Boba, so I ask Connor which is good.

"I'll get you the one i'm getting, it's incredible!" He beams. I laugh at his excitement over a drink.

Once I get it, I pull out my vlog camera and record.

"Hey guys! So we just got some Boba, and I decided to show you guys my reaction, since I've never had Boba before."

I take a sip and fall in love instantly.

"Ok guys, umm, this is freaking AMAZING! Why haven't I had some before!" I practically scream. Everyone around me starts laughing at my surprise expression.

"We are now walking to go get some frozen yogurt. Which should be amazing! I think I have to ask Kian which are the best flavors, since he comes here 24/7." I laugh at my own remark.

"Hey! I have an excuse!" Kian yells to me.

"And that is?" I ask

"It's good!" He says smiling.

Andrea starts dying and punches him in the arm.

"Well I guess its good." I say laughing. "We're here!" I say and shut off the camera. I grab Connor's hand as we walk in and move closer to him.

He looks down, as i'm looking up and smiles. I smile back and lean up to meet his lips.

We all get our yogurt, and sit down. We all just laugh, talk, and have an amazing time!

Afterwards we go walk around LA and do some shopping! I finally get my first Penny Board, it's pastel blue, and the wheels are a coral color.

By the time we're done its almost 8. I know, I know. It took us 6 hours, but hey we like to shop! :D

I invite everyone over to my house, just to chill and watch some movies.

I order pizza, and decide to go up stairs to change into sweats. I ask all the girls if the want a pair, and they all say yes.

We decide to watch 'Identity Thief'. Andrea, Kian, Connor, and Me are on the couch and everyone else is on the floor.

We start the movie, and instantly every one starts laughing to the point where they're crying.

After the movie, it's 10 and everyone is practically passed out. I ask my mom if they can stay, and she allows it. I grab everyone blankets and pillows, and everyone falls asleep quickly except for me. I realize I haven't end the vlog yet. So I grab my camera from the side table and press record.

"So I forgot to end the vlog." I whisper. "Everyone is sleeping right now, we just finished 'Identity Thief' and it was hilarious!"

"Kylie go to sleep!" Everyone groans, as Connor wraps his arm around me. "Well I guess I should go. I'll be making a new video tomorrow, hopefully with all of these people! So I'll see you soon, Night Guys!"

And I shut off the camera.


Here you guys go! I hope you liked it! :)

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