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AWE! Ok, first off, my wattpad has been acting up lately. Every time I post a new chapter I have to wait like a month till I can read the comments, and I always love to read them to see what you guys think so I can make the story even better. Secondly, you guys like hated me after that chapter haha. I'm sorry, but it's part of the story! Things are happening and just stick around, I'm sure all of you will like the end of this book! There will be a second one, I PROMISE! Thirdly, I still get comments on my earlier chapters because of new readers, and I love when you guys comment 'That is so them!' or 'I could see this happening.' THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! It shows me that I'm doing a good job of betraying these characters :)
Finally, I know Connor left. You don't understand how many days I cried after his video. But that is definitely not changing the story! Things are the same and they will be till the end of this book! And this is the final chapter for this book I believe!
Ok, I'm done! Enjoy the FINAL chapter!
Kylie's P.O.V
"Kylie!" I hear my name yelled from down the street. The voice rings through my ears, and my heart stops. I've done it. It's official. I've ruined the thing that was good to be. I whip around, and stare at straight into those beautiful green eyes. Those beautiful, broken green eyes that once had love and passion in them. Now? It's like staring into a black abyss. Empty.
"Connor." I whisper. I look down at Ryan's and my conjoined hands. I try to pull them away, but Ryan just holds them tighter. "Ryan, let me go." I tell him calmly. I pull a little harder. "Ryan, now!" He doesn't let up. I pull, and pull but nothing. He doesn't budge. I can feel his fingers tightening. Every time I try to pull, pain shoots up my arm.
"Connor!" I yell, whipping my head to look in his direction. He's already half way down the block. "Connor!" I'm screaming now, but he doesn't turn. Ryan is now tugging me toward the hotel entrance. I plant my feet to try and resist him. At this point I feel if I pull my arm one more time, it will get dislocated.
I feel terrified, and I have no right to be. I did this. I had this plan where I was gonna hurt him, just as much as he hurt me. But that look he gave me. The hurt, the confusion, and overall heartbroken was there in just one look. I didn't even think what would happen. Oh, I'd just get away with it and he wouldn't even know? I'd feel amazing afterwards? But this feeling deep down inside can be enough to kill someone. I feel as if my heart is being squeezed. I feel sick. The kind of sick where you're shaky, sweating, and you're so out of breath. That is what it feels like to practically kill the one you love, and that's just what I did. I played with his heart. Even though all that stuff I said was true, he wouldn't know. He thinks I used him. It may not be that hard to think. He's so successful, and loved by millions, and I'm just a girl with a few thousand subscribers.
"Wannabe YouTuber Fakes Relationship for Populatrity."
Doesn't sound so crazy does it? A girl from a small town in Pennsylvania just wants to be known. I begin to feel nauseous. I don't want it to be over. No matter what anyone says, I love that man. Oh boy, do I love him. No one will get it though, because I'm a selfish bitch that doesn't think. I can feel something rising in my throat. He deserves better. Connor deserves the world. He deserves everything he sets his mind to, and I just want to be there with him. I turn towards Ryan, and that does it for me. Vomit explodes out of my mouth onto him. He lets go of my hand is disgust.
"What the fuck!" Ryan yells. His whole shirt his covered in whatever I ate.
Run. I wipe my mouth and turn. My feet move faster than they ever had. They pound against the sidewalk. I turn my head and see Ryan is sprinting after me. I begin to lose breath, but I can see a bunch of light ahead.
Just make it to a busy place and you'll lose him.
I feel as if I'm not moving, but the sounds and lights of the city are becoming clearer. I push my legs to go faster. Finally, I make it to the curb of an intersection. There are people everywhere. He can't, he won't find me here. The light changes to red, and I quickly cross the street.
I look behind me and I don't see Ryan. I change my pace to a slow walk.
Why? Why did I have to be an idiot? I wish I could start this all over. I wish I could be back at home where none of this would of happened. Vidcon was suppose to be amazing. I was going to spend it with the best ever, but I overreacted. I believed Abby. I didn't let him explain. I felt used. I felt like he didn't love him. I didn't want to feel that way again, so I left. I left with my best friend, who's currently trying to find me. The guy who've I known my whole life, is coming after me.
Ryan never told me how he felt. Why all of a sudden does he want to say something? Couldn't he see I was happy? He planned this. He called Abby, and told her she could have Connor if he helps her.
No, that sounds crazy. But this whole day has been a freak show! One mad thing after another. Nothing ever goes right.
I pull out my phone. It's almost 12 a.m. There are still many people out, having the times of there lives.
I see a couple walk by. The man was blonde, tall, green eyed, and handsome. The woman was beautiful. Long, brown hair, hazel eyed, and petite. They were smiling, laughing. The way his eyes lit up has he saw her smile. The way she looked at him when he wasn't paying attention.
It was love. True love. The love I knew I had. The love I fucked up. Tears started to stream down my face. The love I need now. The love that was no longer there. More tears came down.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. It was the the couple.
"Are you alright?" The woman asked, and I smiled a polite smile. I wiped my tears away and looked back at them.
"I'm sorry," I laughed. "I'm fine. Thank you." I told them, and I walked away. Then I turned around. They were looking at each other with confusion.
"You guys are cute together." I simply said. The man smiled at me.
"Thank you. We're getting married next week." The woman held up her small hand with a huge smile. I felt something catch in my throat. My heart started racing, and I could feel the pressure behind my eyes again. Keep it in.
"Congrats. I hope you guys have an an amazing life together." I said with a weak smile. The woman stared at me. Her smile faded. She let go of her fiancé's hand, and came closer. She stopped right in front of me. Not saying a word... She hugged me. I was confused. I didn't know her, and now some stranger was hugging me?
"He'll come back." She simply said, still hugging me. My breathe hitched. How could she tell? I rapped my arms around her to return the hug.
She let go and held me at arms length.
"Don't worry. Whoever he is, he will." And she smiled a genuine smile.
"Thank you." I gave her an actual smile back. She let go and walked away. Waving as she and her fiancé walked the opposite way.
I've been walking for at least 30 minutes now. Ryan nor Kasey have found me yet, and relief spread through me. Hopefully they gave up, and left. It's a little over 12 a.m. now and I have no clue where I am. I think I'm close to Disneyland but who knows? I haven't seen Connor at all either which made things worse. I just want to explain.
I could hear the rides now. The laughing, the joyful shouts, I could imagine the smiles everyone had on their faces. Happiness was engulfing me, and a smile tugged at my face. Maybe I need this. Time to get away. Time to forget. I look up and I can see the lights. I took out my phone. I always had money behind my case, just for these reasons.
My phone had over 200 messages. Everyone wondering where I was. My heart clenched. These are the people I love, and apparently they love me too. But I need this time. I hold down the power button, and slide right.
No more interruptions.
I place my phone back in my pocket, and I pick my head up. No more Debby Downer, and thank god I did. There sitting on a bench was him. The handsome, blonde, funny person I fell in love with.
"Connor." A whisper escapes my lips. He's 10 yards away. I can explain. I'll listen this time. I can make this right. I pick up my pace to a full sprint. Nothing around me is noticeable. I'm focused on one thing.

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