The Confession

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*Main Prov*

How am I gonna tell Connor? Will he believe me or just run away? I don't wanna ruin our friendship...... And I literally just meet him like a week ago! This is so stressful......

*Connor's Prov*

I finally reached the park and saw Kylie sitting on a bench. I walked over. "Hey Kylie." I said happy. She looked up with a concerned yet scared look. I sat down and put my arm around her. She immediately scooted away. "What's wrong...?" I asked really afraid.......

*Main Prov*

"What's wrong?" He asked after I scooted away. I maybe taking this too seriously but I don't wanna ruin our friendship at all!! Even though I do like him.... "I..." I started "I know what happened last night." I admitted.

"Really? Good cause I know nothing!" Connor said all nonchalant. "Thats the problem." I whispered. "What?" He asked. "Connor, something happened last night. Its not bad, just awkward and I don't know if anything beyond that happened." "Kylie, you're scaring me...." He said. "Connor we kissed.... and like I said I don't know if anything beyond that happened.."

"So you're telling me we kissed and it could of gone farther than that?" He asked. I just nodded. All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Connor. Then he kissed my forehead.

"Kylie, even if those things did happen I don't care. You are one if my best friends, even though I've only known you for about a week. But through your videos I feel like I've known you forever. Nothing can jeopardise that. I love you..." He barley whispered the last part. I'm so glad he said that. But why would he whisper 'I love you' ?

I looked back up at him and saw he was already looked at me. We were like that for about a good 2 minutes. Then it started getting awkward. So he released me. "Well, I gotta get going. My mom is probably wondering where I am." I said. I got up and started walking home.

I got home and plopped right on my bed. Did Connor just say that to make me feel better? Is he gonna stay my friend? Will it be awkward? All of these questions were running through my mind I checked my phone. It was already 9:30 p.m. Jeez how long have I been thinking. Then I got a text.


Look out your window...

I was so confused yet freaked out. What is he doing? I looked out my window and saw him leaning against his car. I opened the window.


"COME DOWN STAIRS!" He yelled back. I shut my window and creeped down stairs. Careful not to wake up anyone. Why did he want me to come down stairs.

I finally made it to the door and went outside. I walked over to his car and stood in front of him. "Whats up?" I asked.

He pushed himself off the car and stood right in front of me so that our bodies were almost touching. He looked down into my eyes and I looked up into his. His hand went up to my jaw while his thumb rubbed my cheek. Still looking into my eyes he leaned forward. I stayed still, frozen, scared of the the events happening. He stopped mid way and gave a "You ok?" look. I lifted my eyebrows in confusion. But before I could say anything his lips were on mine.

Our lips were moving in sync, then it started getting heated. He leaned against his car again bringing me with him. Our bodies were now completely touch each other. My arms around his neck and his hands on the back of my hips, pulling me into him. I broke the kiss scared of what could happen.

"What was that for?" I asked out of breath. "Remember when I whispered I love you early today?" I just nodded a yes. We were still in the same position as we were when we were kissing. "Well..." He said. "I didn't mean it as a friend way." My heart skipped a beat, and my stomach got butterflies. "I love you Kylie." He finally said. I couldn't believe it. He loved me. Connor Franta loves me!!! He gave me a look of concern. "I... I love you too.." I said blushing. He smiled and kissed me again, this time long and passionate, but soft and sweet.

This time he broke the kiss. "Kylie, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully. I broke out of our position and gave him a scared look. "No.." I said. He gave me a depressed look.

Then I turned to walk away but then turned around again and ran into his arms. I rewrapped my arms around his neck and he snaked his arms around my waist. "I'm just kidding!" I admitted. "I would love to be your girlfriend!!!!" I said smiling. His expression turned from upset to over joyed. He then brought me into a tight hug and tucked his head in my neck. "I love you Kylie.... And I always will!"

"I love you too Connor... Forever and always." Then he broke the hug and stuck put his pinky finger. "Promise?" He asked. I smiled and wrapped my finger around his and kissed him. "Promise."

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