Chapter 17 - Rehabilitation

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A strange feeling swam inside Slum's ghostly body as he recognized his pets Zin and Tin. He didn't know, that even after all those years since he died, they still took care of his buddies. The memories made it challenging for Slum to stay strong, to fight with his past crew. Never did he imagined that their crew cared for him and his buddies. His buddies, who always were there for him, when he felt down.

On the opposite direction realized Captain Spec that something bad was going on behind his back. He sensed, whilst he tightened his grab on Pitch's neck to try to choke him, that Slum would turn against him. Nero involved himself to help Pitch out and removed together with Shen and Zipper the axolotl ghosts from the fight. Pitch couldn't breathe whilst Spec had his grab on him.

"Zin... and Tin. You're still here?" Slum whispered in a surprisingly soft voice. He bent himself down to take Zin and Tin into his hands and looked thoughtfully into their tiny visors. Both were overly excited to see him again, to be with Slum again after all those years of being separated.

"Yes, Slimey. They are. Mr. Food, The Doc and especially Shepp took care of them." Moon explained but to mention Shepp's name in his presence was a mistake, which Moon couldn't know of.

"Shepp", Slum began, and Starla was terrified to hear him angered all a surprise.
"Shepp treated my buddies badly!" He shouted and turned wildly around to Moon with an expression full of rage.

"He treated me badly!" Slum continued. His furious voice echoed through the whole medbay. Spec was satisfied that Slum wasn't that foolish to fall into their trap.

"Saros, hurry up!" Shepp pressured the wizard to study and decipher the spell faster. The red wizard gave his everything to get the spell inside his head. After some minutes passed, raised Saros finally his voice:

"I'm ready." He said certain and teleported the trio to the medbay right away.

They couldn't believe what they witnessed as they appeared in the middle of the ongoing battlefield. Everyone was way too focused in their own fights that no one realized the trio at first. They took that opportunity to get their orientations back. Saros was wildly looking for Captain Spec and Shepp spotted Slum on the other side. The yellow engineer stepped straight into the fight where he was able to help.

"Slimey, I'm sure he didn't mean it." Moon still tried to soothe Slum's anger, but it was no use. No matter what she tried he was truly enraged, that Shepp treated him badly in their past crew. Was that the main reason from what Slimey couldn't move on from? Moon thought in silence and hoped that a wonder would happen.

"You don't even know what Shepp did to me!" Slum yelled as furious as he could and tightened his fist.

"I know what I did, Slum!" A sudden unexpected voice behind Slum was heard. Shepp heard what Slum was talking about, he knew exactly what was making him livid and he felt deeply sorry for what he did to him in the past. Zin and Tin fell from his green claws before Shepp joined their conversation. Both ran towards Shepp and begged for comfort. Slum turned around and spotted the orange sheep like bean. "And I know what I did wasn't right."

He held Zin and Tin inside his arms while he was talking with his previous impostor partner. Slum couldn't really accept what Shepp just said. Especially knowing how he truly was to him back then.

Slum shook his head.

"If you'd know what you did wasn't right, then why did you mock me every time in our past crew?! What did I do to you that I'd deserve it?!" Slum wanted to know.

The orange one looked thoughtfully down to the green fluffy balls before he replied: "Because I was foolish back then. I was foolish to not realize that mocking you could hurt you immensely. Slum..." Shepp took a breather, wandered carefully closer to Slum and apologized: "Slum, I'm deeply sorry for what I did. I should have treated you better. Yes, it was my fault, but I truly mean my apology. You have to believe me."

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