Chapter 26 - Bad Timing

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"Let me get this straight... you're telling me that a nearby planet named Kelki has been completely destroyed by impostors recently?!" She was aghast to hear about the bad news from her husband, King Ashton and these... strangers. A situation not even Queen Shalona could imagine would ever happen.

Embarrassed about the bad news the queen just received, King Ashton rubbed and scratched his claw on his neck.

"Pretty much, Lona." Ashton said.

"How in the name of Kytarium could this happen?!" She asked, in total confusion.

Captain Hawk and his daughter besides him wished they knew an answer to that, but he didn't. No one had. No one knew how or for what reason Kelki had been shattered into millions of pieces. Why would an entity have the desire to destroy such an innocent planet? A planet, which grew in silence within a huge galaxy.

"Your majesty", The purple captain decided to involve himself. Unsure if Queen Shalona should trust her husband's friends, she looked down at them as he spoke. "Your husband, King Ashton, sent an urgent assistance request to help with the protection of your planet after he received this bad news about planet Kelki. We're here to help."

With respect, Hawk quickly bowed down in front of the queen to make her realize that he meant it. Yet, their majesty was uncertain. Her lack of confidence was low.

"What's your name, Captain? And from which space station are you coming from?" The queen was curious. With a smart thought, her assurance of him being a captain was correct.

"I'm Captain Hawk, and the small one right there is my daughter, Starla", He introduced her, proudly. "I'm the second captain from the spaceship Blackcrow. I'm here with two other colleagues of mine, who work for the space station Wildwhirl."

King Ashton smiled during the time as he explained where his friend came from. Nonetheless, his wife seemed to be skeptical still.

"Space station Wildwhirl..." She was pondering. Didn't seem like she had ever heard from it before. Which would be a rare scenario. In silence, Hawk thought that their space station was the most known space station out there in this whole galaxy, since Lord Pitch came back. But it didn't seem like everyone knew about it.


"I've never heard of it before."

"A long time ago...", King Ashton began and wanted to explain about past events in his life. "Captain Hawk's crew saved me. They saved my life before. Without their help, I wouldn't be here now. It was their space station who saved me as well."

Sympathy within Queen Shalona arose as she heard a new part of her husband's history. They must be strong if they saved her husband from such a horrible situation a long time ago. Something else, a second thought jumped into her mind. A thought, which caused her skeptical opinion on these visitors to fade away.


But suddenly, Ashton looked puzzled back at his purple friend and realized something which he just mentioned, before his wife could answer him back.

"Hold on... spaceship 'Blackcrow'? Wasn't your spaceship called the Nightclaw? What happened to your spaceship?" King Ashton wondered.

Left abashed, the purple captain knew at one point, he had to explain what happened after that wild mission on planet Jenaja. At one point the captain knew that he'd meet his friend again and had to talk about the aftermath of their mission.

An aftermath, which the king probably wouldn't expect to hear...

"A lot happened after our mission was done back then. We might have reunited with... an old friend of mine. His name is Lord Pitch." Captain Hawk explained.

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