Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Wedding Date

I wake up smiling today is the last day of Summer I am so glad August is almost up. It's been a whole month since Karleshia gotten engaged to Na'Quian and five months since me and Lamarcus been engaged. "Damn we really need to start planning this wedding I'm seven months pregnant I do not want to go in labor on our wedding day" I said to Lamarcus just as he was getting out the bed. "Yea I know I was just about to talk to you about that today baby" he said walking into the bathroom.

"I want to have a double wedding with Karleshia and Na'Quian" I said sitting on the edge of the bed. "Cher I don't know about that baby it's supposed to be our special day you know if you do that we're going to always have the same anniversary" he said hesitate. "Baby I know please this is something I really want why can't we share our day with our best friends were all like family anyways" I said going into the bathroom where he at. "Cher I don't know baby let me think about it" he said getting into the shower and I followed him.

"Please baby I really want this" I said as we showered together. He took a deep breath and looked at me. "If this what you really want baby as long as your happy then I'm cool with it" he said to me and I kissed him with a deep passionate kiss. "Thanks baby I love you so much" I said still giving him pecks on the lips.

"I love you too" he said getting out the showered. "I'm going to go over Cailyn house to see Junior I will be back later" he said putting on his Street King Letter Print Black Two Piece Shorts Set and Black in Gold Jordan's with a Matching Gold in Black Hat.

"Okay baby give him a kiss for me in take a picture so I can see how big he's gotten over this past month" I said to him. "Okay cool I got you" he said giving me a kiss on the lips then left out the room. I ain't worried about him going over Cailyn house I trust him and he has been shutting her down everytime she tries to come onto him or try that family card stuff.

Over this past month she has still been the same along with her two lap dogs it's like they are getting more vicious with there insults and attitudes. They are literally pure hell if I see any one of them in the store or whatever I'm doing out I just avoid them I'm to big and pregnant to be dealing with they asses. I just accept the fact that they will always be mean spirit towards me and anyone else who they pick on.

School has been amazing I'm studying up on all my classes and got my necessary credits to complete college in the next three years. Me and Lamarcus are stronger than ever we're still living together and understand each other more I don't feel threatened by him in Cailyn anymore she is just like he said the mother of his child too. I took my paternity leave from work so I just been hanging out with Karl or over at my parents house with them when they are not gone out of town for work.

So yeah if you ask me my life has been amazing this year. I put on a Green Striped Pocket Design Shorts Set with some Casual Sequined Tie Leg White Sandals and placed my hair into a Sleek Ponytail.

I'm going to over Na'Quian and Karl house so I can talk to Karleshia about the double wedding thing in see what she thinks. I hope she is going to be happy about it since she is my only true friend she has other friends but they are not her best friend like me. They aren't bad people I just don't really talk to them like I talk to her but we all does sit at the table together during lunch period though.

Karleshia is still part of the popular click at school along with Lamarcus and Na'Quian. And of course the college bullies Cailyn, Brazilynn, and Paradyse they got a few new people in they click and them girls is just like them if not worst. I just don't understand what they get out of bully innocent people.

I ain't no where neither popular even though I'm marrying Lamarcus and friends with Karleshia and Na'Quian it don't mean nothing to these people at school still talking about me and picking with me when I ain't around my boyfriend or friends. I just don't tell him nothing because I know Karleshia will pop off about me and the boys will too I don't like drama or conflict so I keep it all to myself yeah I know I'm supposed to not keep secrets from them but hell we all gotta focus on school in keep our grades up so we can graduate college with no bad reputations.

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