Chapter Thirty-Nine

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New Life

I woke up this morning still in the hospital and extremely tired but grateful, after giving birth to my beautiful daughters Laylani and Leylani yesterday morning.

Lord I still can't believe I Cherlynn Amara Denise Karah has this extraordinary new life, like I'm currently a mother to two lovely twins girls and a wife to my good looking husband Lamarcus Mycah.

I really just can't believe how my life has drastically changed for the better. Not too long ago I was being picked on in school and social media every single day for all my life. It use to make me feel like I ain't worthy or good enough for nothing or anyone. I honestly was just miserable and not happy all the time. I didn't even feel pretty or attractive.

At this moment in time I'm sitting here in the hospital bed staring at my husband Lamarcus who is currently holding and playing with our babies, I have forgiven my school major bullies Cailyn, Paradyse, and Brazil for what they all did to me in the past in were all sort of cool with each other at the present time, and I still have my incredible beautiful best friend Karleshia, who means more to me than an close friend she's family even before I even married her brother me and her was family and still are family.

Me and Karl has been through some rough of times together and throughout it all she's hasn't once left my side since the day I met her in the bathroom the graduation day of our senior year. I did push her away once but I was damaged material and she understood that and forgave me for that, which is why I'm so pleased to have met her and have her in my life forever, she's what was missing out my life besides my family of course.

Now as I come to reality were both are mothers to wonderful kids and marry to two stunning guys.

"Baby what you thinking bout? you look like your in a deep thought" Lamarcus said walking to me with the girls and breaking me out of my reminiscing thoughts.

"I'm just sitting here thinking how glad I am that you choose me to give your heart to completely" I smiled smiling at him as he hand me Leylani.

He grinned back at me and glanced into my eyes. "I will choose you a thousand times all over again" he said pulling me into a steamy  passionate kiss. "Mm I love you so much" I moan against his lips. "I love you too baby" he said placing some more soft pecks on my lips.

"Excuse me I knock I was just coming on here to let you know you will be getting discharged in the morning" Our nurse Tahiti said coming into the room in some Mint Jogger Scrub Set.

"Thank you so much" I tell her she honestly has been a great nurse. "Everything is good with you and the girls are doing wonderful they are eating great Evelyn said they each has gained two ounces since they been here so we don't see why you guys should stay anymore days here" she said looking at some papers on the clipboard she was holding.

"That's great news Tahiti thank you" I said to her smiling because I'm honestly happy my babies are doing great and we can leave earlier than expected. She left out the door. "That's good beautiful keep on eating for daddy" Lamarcus said sitting at the foot of my bed feeding Laylani while I fed Leylani. "You girls should know I'm very lucky to be in y'all lives I love all three of my gorgeous girls" Lam said grinning at me and the girls. "And we're lucky to have you as a husband and a daddy I couldn't have picked better for us" I said smiling at him and walked over and kissed me romantically deeply. I felt a rushed of fireworks exploding out of me I'm just so mesmerized and fascinated by this boy and the fact he's all mine and we're stuck with each other for life is so unreal to me seriously.

How can I complain I just can't complain about anything on my life no more everything that happened to me happen for a reason and now look at me I got a husband who's all about me and loves me deeply, I got two beautiful daughters that I'm going to give the world too, I have Karleshia who is my amazing and brilliant right hand person in sister, I have plenty of love and support from my family and his including my new brother Na'Quian.

Life is just outstanding for me at this moment in time. I can proudly say that I Cherlynn Amara Denise Mycah got kids that came from me, I'm married to the man of my dreams, I have great friends and family so I must say that is a wonderful way to finish this longtime journey I been going through. And throughout it all I end up getting everything I have always wanted and desire in my lifetime, therefore way too go too me. This is an happy ending to an amazing lifetime moment.

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