Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Labor Part 2

I woke up to the sound of my baby boy crying. "It's okay man mommy here what's the matter?" I said gently picking him up and see if he was wet which he was. "Oh mommy see the problem lets gets this wet diaper off my man" I said talking to him in my normal tone. "He okay baby?" Na'Quian said waking up out of his sleep just as my phone vibrate once on the night stand that's beside my bed.

"Yes he just wet in fussy I'm going to feed him too" I said changing his diapers first. "That's all better" I said to him which he smiled at me "I love you too" I said smiling back at him. "Come on let's get you eating" I said as I proposition him correctly on my left breast so he can eat. I be rotating my breast when I be feeding his little greedy butt. He has gained weight since we went to the doctor last week.

I'm just glad he was a great baby at our wedding and reception yesterday. I'm honestly blessed to be healthy and have a healthy baby with a great healthy husband by my side.

After I fed Na'Quian Junior I laid him down on his daddy chest and check my phone seeing Cherlynn text me telling me about how she's in labor in what been going on. "Baby Cherlynn at the hospital she's in labor" I said excitedly I am to happy right now. Damn that was a close call good thing she did go ahead with the wedding when we did because she would've been postponing it due to her getting ready to have my nieces.

"Thats great news baby video chat us when you get there I want to see them too" he said to me. "Okay baby I will" I said getting up out my bed. "Don't forget to take her my present for the Princesses" he said to me. "I won't baby" I said getting ready to shower.

After my shower I put on a Floral White Bra and Panty 2Piece Set and a Hollow-out Orange One-piece Romper with a pair of White Flat Thong Sandals with T-Strap and Adjustable Ankle Buckle. I put my hair into a ponytail then grabbed my White Small Crossbody Clutch Purse Handbag that had a Double Chain Strap.

"I will be back guys" I said kissing Na'Quian Junior on the head and Na'Quian on the lips. "Okay we will be here love you baby" he said placing Junior in his crib that was on his side we both had the same crib bed for him to sleep in on both side of the bed so we both can monitor him when we each sleep with him.

"I love you too" I said grabbing his two big pink gifts bags he had bought for the baby girls and my two Purple gifts bags I had gotten from the Mall a week ago.

I walking over to my Silver Bugatti when my phone started vibrating in my purse. I forget to turn the ringer back on we keep it our phones on vibrate at night so Junior can sleep through the night without any loud noises. I put gifts bags into the trunk of my car then closed it and took my phone out my purse seeing it was a missed call from Cailyn.

Every since they certainly apologized to my girl  Cherlynn and my mama at the reception last night we all have actually been okay. We're not the bestest of friends but we all are more manageable with each other. They're all doing pretty good living their lives with they boyfriends so there is no more hard feelings or animosity towards them.

I called her back in she pretty much just wanted to treat me in Cherlynn to a celebration dinner she was going to take us too but I told her Cherlynn in labor were going to have to reschedule her a later date. She was happy and cool about it she actually won't me to stop by in pick up some gifts her, Paradyse and Brazil bought for Cherlynn in the girls. I told her I would stop by there so yeah I'm on my way to her house to do that before I head to Kennedy Hospital too be there by my best friend side.

About fifteen minutes later I pulled up to her house and text her letting her know I'm outside. A few minutes later she comes out in a Black Bandage Hollow-out Design Skirt Set with some Black Open Toe High Stilettos Platform Pump Heels and carrying Four Large gifts bags that were Gold, Rose Gold, Blue, Red metallic dots with the Tissue Paper matching each bag. They got me a lot of stuff to when they had came to the hospital when I first had Junior. I'm just so thrilled that they actually took the time out of their day to get Cherlynn some gifts for the girls.

"You can put them in the trunk" I said popping it open. "Okay thanks for stopping by tell her good luck with the delivery" she said closing my trunk back after she put the bags inside. "I will you in Connors finna go out this morning?" I said looking at her outfit. "Girl no he in there sleep I got super drunk last night at Dynamite's in passed out on the couch with this on I was about to shower just before I called you" she said laughing. "Well damn you don't even look hangover" I said looking at her. "Shit I feel it though well I'm about to go back inside this Sunlight is giving me a headache" she said scrunching up her eyes. "Okay thanks again for the gifts for Cherlynn" I said to her. "You welcome" she said going inside the house and I backed out her driveway now heading to the hospital where Cherlynn at.

Ten minutes later I pulled up to the hospital on the labor In delivery side then got out the car I was going to leave the gifts in the trunk because I'm going to need help with all of those bags. I locked up my car and went inside going straight for the receptionist desk.

"Hi I'm looking for a Cherlynn Karah room please" I said to the Medium Height Caucasian Girl with Brown Eyes and Short Blonde Hair. "Okay let me get you a visitor sticker pass please write down your first in last name and look directly into this camera for me" she said and I did just that. "Here you go just put that on your shirt for me she's in room 1114 thank you" she said handing me the pass and I put it on my right side. "Thank you" I said to her then walked down the hallway to find Cher room.

I made it to her room and went inside seeing both of her parents was here along with her sister and brother A'Kerra and Ajordan along with Lamarcus and our mama. "Hey honey where Junior at?" My mother asked looking at me. "At home with his daddy I'm going to FaceTime them once the twins get here. "Sounds perfect how is he doing? I miss his little face" she said smiling big. "He is doing awesome steady gaining weight and sleeping like a champ he is a great baby" I said smiling back at her. "Hey boo how are you feeling? You know I'm here for you in always will be I ain't going anywhere no time soon Junior is fine he's with his daddy" I said to Cherlynn and she smiled big at me. "That means the world to me I love you I'm glad your here I really needed you here too" she said rubbing my face. "I know in you know you mean the world to me too I love you too" I said kissing her cheek she smiled hard. "Now let me get comfortable in this other pullout chair I know where in for a long night" I said taking the second pullout chair that was next to her bed because her parents were sleeping in the other one that was next to the couch. Her sister and brother is sleeping at the bottom end of the couch by there parents pullout while Lamarcus was sleeping at the head. My mama and Cherlynn was the only two woke in the room beside me now but I'm about to go to sleep.  "Mama you can lay beside me it's big enough on here to fit two people in besides we're both small" I said giggling which made her and Cher laugh with me too. "Good here I come I'm sleepy" she said crawling up here with me.

"How many centimeters have you dilated to so far?" I asked her "Still at 5 been at 5 since 11am this morning it's 3pm" she said sounding irritated. "It's going to be okay love they going to come out love what time you get here this morning?" I asked her as my mama finally drip off to sleep. "I came in at 9 this morning I was only 4cm then they gave me this epidural for the pain in I dilated one more centimeter they broke my water at 11am and I haven't dilated no more since then I'm stuck at 5" she said looking at me. "Just give it time they will come you might just be having a slower labor because your carrying twins just get some rest love it they will be here before you know it" I said to her as I pulled out my phone and send Na'Quian a text checking up on him and Junior. I didn't call because I know his phone is on vibrate because of Junior made be sleeping.

Na'Quian text me back saying they were good Junior done ate again he warm up one of those bottles I made before leaving the house this afternoon. He should be straight all night and until 12 in the evening especially if he feeds him every three hours that's the feeding schedule he on. Hopefully these babies comes before 12 if not I will just have to leave for a few minutes to go home in pumped to make some more bottles.

I'm glad everything is going good at home I can now get some sleep until my nieces arrive I'm so excited I was thinking to myself as I slowly fell asleep.

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