Chapter One

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Graduation Day

"Cherry get up mommy said your going to be late for your graduation" my little sister Akerra said to me while pushing on me lightly with her little hands. "Okay Kerra" I said getting up out of my bed and going straight into the bathroom avoiding the mirrors in there like I always had a habit of doing that because I don't see nothing in my reflection if that even make sense to y'all.

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower washing my bodied and in hair in some scented coconut dove body wash that I do love so much it smells really really good for real.

20 minutes later I get out the shower and grab a big towel off the rack by the door then wrapped it around my body and proceeded out of the bathroom to get dressed for my last year well last day actually as a senior.

I looked through my closet for about ten minutes before I really just settled on something to wear it ain't like I would look no better in Principle Hails said we can wear whatever we wanted today since this is our last year of school so I know everybody going to look there best while I'm just never mind let me get dressed before I be late.

Taking off the towel I had on covering up my unattractive body I put on a yellow strapless bra, some black panties then slipped on a lovely trendy asymmetrical yellow mini dress, and some all black cambria knit heeled sandals.

I end up putting my hair into a neat tight updo high bun hairstyle on top of my head and put on some yellow nicka k vivid matte lipstick then grabbed my solid color pu one shoulder black purse from off top of my dresser and head to the dining room area where everyone was at.

"OMG you look absolutely stunning baby" my mother Sharon said as she kissed my cheek and forehead smiling big at me. "Thanks mama" I said not even believing nothing she just said because I don't see it nor do anybody else so what she seeing that nobody else don't? I just don't fucking understand that at all.

"Your dad will be meeting us there he got to finish up some last minute paperwork" my mom said as we got into her white 2017 Nissan Maxima and pulled off heading to the ceremony.

"Cheery hold my hand" my little brother Ajordan said jumping out of the car and running straight to me grabbing my hand. I chuckle at him and just picked him up instead in grabbed Akerra hand as we entered the building where the ceremony was taking placed.

"Mama I'm finna go in the back to finish getting ready I will see y'all after it's over with" I said to my mother as I put down Ajordan and started walking to the back so I can put on my cap and gown with the rested of the students.

When I entered the changing room a group of girls was standing there talking and laughing amongst themselves until they saw me in quit talking then started mean mugging me so hard and nasty looking.

"Now you know yo fat ass shouldn't have worn that small to tight ugly ass dress" I heard one of them say looking at me instantly hurting my feelings I felt some tears trying to fall but I pushed them back and went into a near by bathroom stale.

"That fat nasty bitch knew that was disgusting coming in here looking like a big ass yellow grizzly bear with her little sister dress on" I heard another say and I couldn't stop the tears that poured down my face as I heard them talked about me like I'm a non human being.

"Excuse me r u okay in there honey? What's wrong? I heard a sincere small voice followed by a knock on the bathroom stale door I was in "iimm fine" I said trying to restrain more tears that was escaping my eyes as more I try to wipe them off.

"No ur not I can hear it in ur voice so unlocked dis stale door now or I'm cumin in to get u" I heard the same voice say again but I couldn't bring myself to do that I just sat there and started crying harder no more holding it in I just can't do it no more.

The next thing I know a 5'4, light skin girl with light brown eyes and long black curly hair along with both of her ears pierced was standing in front of my face looking at me with a super mad mean mugged on her faced.

"Now I'm finna kick yo ass first u lied to me like ur fine but ur sitting in here cute ass fuck crying on our graduation day in a stale but den u had the nerves to let me crawl my small thick ass on dese nasty ass floors to come in here underneath a damn staled to see wasssup with u girl u better be lucky my curls or dress didn't get messed up cause den we would've been fighting homie" she said scolding me out and I don't even know who this girl is I have maybe seen her around once or twice in school but never had we ever had any conversations like this before.

"I'm sorry" I said looking down in my hand without anything else to say "its cool but wassup why u in here crying in shit?" She asked leaning her back against the stale looking at me with a serious ass expression like she dare me to lie to her again so I didn't.

"Just some girls talking about me made me cry but I don't even know why I still cry when I know the shit they said about me is true but it still hurts" I said feeling my tears fall from my eyes again heavier then before this time around.

"Babe girl chill out with all that there's nothing wrong with u at all u just gotta learned ppl say negative shit bout someone bc dey hating on dem ur beautiful fuck wat everybody else say about u its just sum hating ass bitches that want wat u got" she said drying my tears with her thumb making me smile some even though I know she's lien to me it still made me feel better.

"Thank you I'm Cherlynn Karah by the way" I said sticking my hand out for her to shake but she didn't making me feel sad all over again now I done possible lost my first friend ever way to go Cherlynn I mentally yelled at myself.

"Nice to meet u Cherlynn Karah I'm Karleshia Mycah" she said hugging me which caught me off by surprised because I have never been hugged before by anyone that wasn't family to me but this girl right is now the first to do so.

"Let's get this graduation shit over with for we can party" she said walking out of the bathroom stale and I followed behind her before taking my seat that had my name on it. I was happy now that I made a friend.

Graduation ended and I got my diploma that's all I wanted to be fair in I'm glad I finished high school once and for all but now it's time for my college years to roll on in and I'm so ready to start my new beginnings bring on the college life experiences for me.

I didn't want to attend the graduation party because I don't really feel like getting judged or talked about no more tonight so I just skipped out on the party hope Karleshia having a wonderful time shes deserves it more than I do.

"I'm proud of you baby" my pops Khristian said to me as we pulled backed up at the house "Thanks dad" I said giving him a kissed on the cheek and we all headed inside the house for the night especially me anyways.

I walked down the hallway to my bedroom and took off all of my undergarments once I made it inside in locked up my room door and putting them into the dirty clothes hamper I have by the bathroom door then stepped inside of the shower for a hot well deserved washed.

20 minutes later I got out the shower with steamed still coming from the curtains and grabbed a new towel from off the rack placing it around myself to cover up my main body parts then exited out of the bathroom to go get dressed for bed.

I walked over to my dresser draw and pulled out some rainbow coloring matching bra and panty set putting them on then took me out a long black T-shirt in put it on and got into the bed falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow I was hell of exhausted from tonight.

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