Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Mrs. Karah I am here to check you again to see if we made some more progress" Tahiti said coming into my room. I look at the clock on the wall seeing it's 6:00pm. I really hope I did dilate some more.

"Awe they all are knock out waiting patiently for these beautiful babies" she said glancing at everyone sleeping as she put on a pair of gloves and walked my way. "I'm not going to turn on the light I don't want to wake anyone up" she said getting ready too check me.

She get done checking me in smile. "We have made some process you have dilated to 6cm I will be back at 9 to check you again do you need anything? Are you feeling any pain?" She asked looking at me and I seen Lamarcus and Karl staring at her. "No I'm good on both thank you" I said looking at her. "Everything good baby?" He asked me. "Yes I'm at a 6 now" I said to them. "Great were almost there girl you can do this" Karl said smiling at me. "Thanks love" I said feeling my contractions begin to get longer, stronger, and closer together but they don't hurt because of this epidural.

I end up going back to sleep because I know I am going to need my strength in a minute when these babies decides to come out. After 3 hours later Tahiti comes in again and check my cervix again I move up to a 7 so we is moving along now. She told me she was coming back at 12am tonight to see if I'm going to keep moving up which I did when she came back I was at a 8 and she was really happy that we were doing great moving forward. She came back at 3am in I was at 9 centimeters. The final check came at 6 this morning and I was finally at a 10 which means I was fully dilated.

"It is time to start pushing your baby out" she said coming back into my room while turning on the light. "Hey Doctor Turner" I said smiling at my Doctor as she walked in with Tahiti the Nurse. "I am so glad it's time to see my granddaughters" my mama said excitedly.

"Yes me too I been waiting a long time for this day to come" Mrs. Violet said smiling so big. I had these contractions that was continuing and they were producing a strong urge to push. Lamarcus came over in took my hands into his. "I'm right here with you baby" he said kissing me on the lips. "Alright about to be parents it's baby time" she said getting position right on her rolling chair which was directly at the entrance of my vagina.

"Okay I need for everyone to please wait in the waiting room expect for three people you can come back in as soon as the babies get here" Tahiti said to everyone. "We will go Karleshia you can stay in here with her" my mom said to me and the Lamarcus mom agreed with mines so all the parents left out the room taking the twins with them. "You got this girl let's do this" Karl said kissing my forehead and Lamarcus smiled at us.

I pushed for a total of two hours altogether. My girls came out 16 minutes apart but they are indeed identical. My second twin was born so much more easily than the first one which helped a lot but I am still exhausted from all that pushing. "You did a great job Cherlynn" my doctor said to me after I was done pushing them both out and Lamarcus had cut both of there umbilical cords.

"They are so precious" Tahiti said as she performed a physical exam on both of them by measuring there temperatures, heart rate, weight, length and head circumference. "It's okay sweethearts auntie is here she just making sure you guys are healthy" said talking to them because they were screaming crying they do not want her messing with them.

"Your all set congratulations mama" Doctor Tuner said after she took out the afterbirth stuff. "Thank you so much Mrs. Turner for everything" I said to her and she smiled walking over to where the babies was at.

"They are so adorable" she said playing with there fingers. "Any birth injuries or obvious issues?" She asked Tahiti. "No they are perfectly healthy everything checks out great with them" she said smiling at her. "Great to hear what is they time of delivery and weight?" She asked Tahiti. "Time of delivery is October 17th at 8:00 am, Baby A is 5lbs 8oz 18 inches long and Baby B is 5lbs 6oz 18 inches long" she said to Doctor Turner. "Awe they are the same height" Karleshia said as she watch Tahiti continue to get everything good with the girls. "Okay I'm going to send an anesthesiologist back in here to remove that epidural from your back everything looking good with your vitals I will see you guys for your first well-baby visit It is going to be 2 days after you go home from the hospital it will be in your discharge paperwork good job honey" she said to me smiling. "Thank you Doctor Turner have a good day" I said to her.

"Once the anesthesiologist come in to take out that epidural I will let you hold the babies" Tahiti said passing one of the baby to Lamarcus and the other one to Karleshia. "Okay sounds good" I said to her. "Do we have any names pick out yet? So I can put a tag bracelet on there legs and yours that way it won't be no confusion when you request the babies from the nursery" she said looking at both of us.

"Let me see them" I said to Lamarcus and Karl. "This one right here is Baby A" Karl said and "I have Baby B baby" Lamarcus unwrapping there blankets for me so I can see there full bodies. "Oh my they look jus like him I only see my nose on them" I said smiling hard as tears of joy fell from my eyes. I'm just overwhelmed with so many emotions I can't even describe how happy I am right now. "I said the same thing girl they also got your feet's which is good because they daddy toes are ugly" Karl said laughing which made all of us laugh even Tahiti. "Shut the hell up Karl" he said still laughing at her.

"How you going to tell them apart?" She said looking at them. "That's what I'm looking for now the slightly different so I know what to name them" I said to her while I glanced over my precious sleeping babies. "Found it you see Baby B has a higher chin line that's underneath her bottom lip and Baby A chin line is further down" I said to them and they looked at what I said. "Oh yeah I see it ones higher than the other one baby" Lamarcus said smiling at me. "Yup Baby B is going to be name" I stopped talking seeing the A Short Chinese Man with Short Black Hair and Brown Eyes enter my room he was wearing Green Scrubs with the same color Bouffant Hat.

"Sorry for interrupting I'm here to take out your epidural" he said smiling at us. "It's okay" I said to him. "Pretty babies" he said grabbing some gloves and walking over to my back.

I got back into the same position as before and he slowly took it out of me with ease. "Perfect your not bleeding or anything that's a good sign it will take a couple of hours for the numbness to completely go away. You will be able to walk around after the epidural wears off" he said facing me again. "Thank you" I said to him and he threw away his gloves and walked out the room.

"Oh my goodness they are so cute" my mom said walking over to Lamarcus in Baby B. He gently passed the baby over to her while my dad and siblings looked at the baby. "Yes they are absolutely beautiful" Mrs. Violet said holding Baby A. "Did you name them yet?" My dad asked me as he hold the baby now. "Just about to do that now" I said looking at Tahiti. "I am ready when you are" she said getting ready to write. "Baby B name is Laylani Cherrilyn Mycah and Baby A name is Leylani Cheriann Mycah" I said to her as I spelled out the correct spelling of each one so she can get their names spell correctly.

"That is perfect Laylani is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl" my mom said looking at the bracelet on her leg that only had A and B. "If you got Laylani that means I have Leylani" Mrs. Violet said smiling down at her. "Perfect I will get these names to the nursery nurse in she will be up here when she can to take them and bring you guy's bracelets" Tahiti said before leaving out the room.

Not long after Tahiti left the room a Short Caucasian Girl with Long Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes wearing Blue Scrubs came in smiling. "Hi my name is Evelyn I'm here to get these beautiful babies for they can eat and give them a ankle band with your theirs and your name on it we will only be gone only for a one or two then I will bring them back to you for skin to skin contact with them" she said looking at my wristband then wrote something down on a small notebook she took out her pocket. "Okay thank you" I said to her. She gently placed the babies in a rolling carrier then left out the door.

"What time is it? I got to go home in feed my baby before he runs out of milk at 12" Karl said. "11:00am" Lamarcus said looking at her. "I am about to go I took plenty of pictures to show Na'Quian when I get back home in me, Na'Quian, and Cailyn them got you some gifts there in my trunk" she said looking at me as she stood up. "Baby can you go grab the gifts in put them in your truck so we can take them home when we leave here" I said to him. "Yeah baby I can do that" he said standing up. "I will be back tomorrow to visit you I love you in so proud of you honey" she said kissing my cheek getting ready to go which I understood because she got a 1 month old baby. "I love you too text me when you get situated boo" I said to her and she kissed my cheek again before leaving.

"Yeah we about to go to honey call us if you need anything we will be back tomorrow too after work" my mom said getting up with my siblings. "I will I love you guys" I said to them. "We love you too" they said all giving me a kiss on the cheek. Mrs. Violet stood up to leave too and we exchanged goodbyes too I was honestly grateful to have all them by myself and extremely thankful for my bundle of joy's I just bought into this world I am just so incredibly blessed and thankful.

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