Time and Time Again

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-Jason POV-

It wasn't a hard job getting Frisk to the barrier as they needed little advice from Chara and I, as if they'd done it a hundred times but from what I'd heard they probably had. Chara didn't argue too much afterwards either, I did tell her about what was happening with me but I knew it wouldn't make a difference as they'd forget by the next reset. Despite what was going on in the back of my head it was a very heartwarming story seeing Frisk take the cold underground full of monsters and fill them all with hope and bring them back to the world outside. Before I left I even convinced Chara to join Frisk on the underground, telling her about life was like up there and how happy it'd make her to have a friend always right by her side. Only once I decided I'd seen enough did the founder pull me from that reality.

I found myself sitting at a desk in the library surrounded by a dome, looking around I saw the founder also sitting at a desk facing away from me with his head resting on hand while the other hand was writing in a book. For the first time I got a slight glimpse of him with his hood down although I couldn't see what he looked like I could see he had short brown hair. He didn't turn around as he spoke. "Just read one of those books and you'll be taken to that world, I put the ones I suggest at the top. Most of those are not my stories but I don't think the author will mind too much."

I picked up the book on the top and all I saw written on it was 'Underswap'. Opening the book I looked at the first page and saw a photo that I found immediately interesting. The first thing that had my curiosity was Chara standing at the front of the group, I didn't get much more time than that before I felt myself being transported into this alternate world. The book disappeared from my hands and my changed as I felt myself begin falling down the hole I'd become so very familiar with. My vision went black as I hit the ground just as it always had, so many times before now.

I awoke to the sun shining down on me as I laid at the bottom of this pit, and to my surprise despite the circumstances I wasn't in any pain. Pushing myself up with my arms I began looking around and immediately recognized the differences of this world. The flowers I was lying in were blue instead of yellow and I already knew just by what I was wearing that I was not Frisk. The iconic green and yellow sweater being a dead giveaway to me. 

I got myself off of the ground, quickly dusting myself off as I stood. I was already putting the clues together of what this world would be like, as I could tell that it was going to end up being just like my world just... the opposite. As I walked through the dark onto the next area I was trying to guess at who would have possibly replaced Flowey, I took a wild guess as to who it'd be but how wrong I was.

As I walked into second room I was stood face to face with Temmie, the most successful pawnshop owner in the city back home. They were sitting behind a cardboard merchant stand which just said 'Tem' on the front. As soon as they noticed me they got my attention with a standard Temmie Greeting. "Weh- Hoi! Welcom to teh Underground! It's vewy dangrus but fo small prise tem keep safe!" 

I could only really get a mumble out as I responded to the offer as I didn't have any currency with me. "uh- I don't have any money." The Temmie laughed after I said this, shaking a little as that almost creepy smile grew.

"No mons is foine! That soul wuld be purfect payment!" My soul? I looked down as my soul appeared signaling a fight to start but more importantly I saw the soul was in fact not mine. It was Chara's soul, Determination. That means if I- "Don't Ignor meh!" Getting my attention back to the opponent at hand I looked around, finding a stick on the ground as I spoke back to Temmie.

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