Former glory

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-Jason's POV-

"Yes, that's the right number, now just do it"

"For one soul to have that kind of power you'd have to kill billions of people!" Undyne argued back as I said the amount of power my soul was supposed to be allocated.

"No, just the right ones. If I'm lying I guarantee that my body will be torn apart the instant it is connected with the soul." I said calmly as I stepped into the glass containment box that'd been created for this very purpose.

"We don't even know how this machine works, how can you be sure it won't just kill you." 

"I'm sure, and if it doesn't work then It'll be like I wasn't here to begin with. It's very simple it takes my consciousness and places it into the body and soul that will be created when you flip that switch. When my consciousness is transported the machine will pull in the nearest floating consciousness, and the only floating consciousness here is River person and Chara. River person is smart enough to know that this body isn't for them." It only took two days for everything to be made, once I got Undyne to stop questioning my methods it was pretty easy to procure what was needed. As she was the royal scientist there weren't any questions asked when it came to things she requested, plus the specific required materials were far from unordinary for a lab.  


"There are no buts Doctor, worse comes to worst then you're not to blame because this isn't your creation." I finished all the preparations inside, the machine and was no just waiting for the doctor. "Now, start the process. No matter what happens, you do not shut it off." I could see her hesitating as I gave the order, but just as I was going to tell her to do it again she hit her hand on the screen beginning the activation.

As soon as I saw her hit the button I turned my head to look to the machine, the tubes began glowing yellow leading into the second chamber. As the yellow began filling the chamber there was I felt an intense pain in my head, and then I started forgetting who I was, my memories being replaced with alternate ones. A tale of a peaceful life meeting up to this point replacing my violent past as I forgot that all had even happened. My mind was changed as all thoughts of enacting violence went missing and were replaced with the warmth of a peaceful life. Things I'd never felt before, hope, happiness, the determination to protect everyone, even my enemies.

Then everything blacked out for just one second, like a blink and I was looking at my own body again. Sitting with my knees to my chest in the test chamber, naked as the day I was born. Looking down at myself everything was just the way it was back home, even the tattoo I had on my shoulder of a rattle snake from all the way back when I worked with the brotherhood. This body being made purely based on my own memory. After a few seconds I pushed myself off of the ground and opened the door of the chamber to see a shocked looking Doctor Undyne. 

Once I stepped outside I looked to the other chamber to see Chara in the process of waking up still. "My god... It actually worked." I nodded and looked up to the clock in the room.

"Yes, it did, just as I told you. he'll be up in three minutes." I clasped my hands together and clothes formed over me. I walked to the table in the room and began writing on a piece of paper. I was only at a third of my highest achieved power but it would be plenty for my purposes. I was making a soul, not trying to control the universe.

"So making clothes is his final form, fantastic." Frisk said thinking I couldn't hear, that was until i looked away from the paper directly at him.

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