Chapter 5: A Month Later

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It has been a month since the death of Nilar, his death causing a massive affect on everyone.

The Clan has been treating Esmyrie like an outcast, some even going out of there way to talk to Jake about the girl. She knew it was going to happen eventually. Nilar told her countless times before he passed that she was different, but that it is okay to be different. She is starting to think her father is wrong about that.

She remembers accidentally walking in on the couple talking about what to do with the girl.

"Neytiri, I don't know what to do. The Clan is practically begging me to banish the girl. They keep saying that with her father gone, she is no longer part of the forest, that she needs to go to the sea, where her mother was raised. But the girl has already lost so much, I can't just banish her.... not when Nilar told me to take care of her."

"Ma Jake, these are our people, they will follow your lead, no matter what you decide." Neytiri says, running her hand over Jakes chest, trying to calm his nerves.

"I just fear there is going to be a rebellion if I don't do anything... they may think I don't listen to their requests."

"You have a strong heart, they see that...."

Esmyrie was about to walk away, but her feet stepped on a branch, it snapping in half and causing the couple to turn towards the girl that was listening in on their conversation.


"Are you planning on banishing me, Mr. Sully?" The girl asks, cutting right to the chase, not wanting to hear any of the excuses he may give her.

That conversation with Jake was 10 days after Nilar's death, and it was decided two weeks later that it would be best for everyone if the girl was banished. Spiritually at least.

This leads to where she is now, cheeks a rosy red in embarrassment, standing in front of her Clan, Jake standing beside her, about to do the ritual.

Each Clan is different on how a banishment is held. For the Omatikaya Clan, it was done in public, whether or not the person was getting physically banished or spiritually. Now, the way to spiritual ban someone differs for each Clan, but for the Omatikaya clan, it all is apart of the beads resting in each Na'vi's hair. Beads are given to the Na'vi in a representation of acceptance, of family. The beads come from the Na'vi's parents, made uniquely so no two beads match. When a spiritual banishment happens, the beads must be cut, and the Na'vi may never replace the beads, as it is seen as going against Ewya, therefore being a sin. The beads leaving the Na'vi's hair therefore represents banishment, or rejection. A spiritual banishment doesn't happen very often, Jake Sully only doing it three times during his time as leader, now being the fourth.

The worst part of a banishment, the leader had to do it, to show his understanding and loyalty to the Clan, and the last thing Jake Sully wants to do is do this. But over the last few days, his people have started to rebel against him, arguing that he isn't listening to his people when they beg for him to banish the girl. And so, after countless sleepless nights of trying to figure out what to do, he decided the banishment must be done, even if it upsets his family and the girl, for he has his people to look out for.

"My People! I come to you today, hearing your words! A banishment has been asked upon me, and as your leader, I listen! I look out for you as you look out for me. It has come, that there is a Na'vi upon us, that does not belong. Esmyrie El'a Musek'i, under the presence of Ewya and surrounded by the people, a banishment has been requested!" Jake yells out, and he has to clench his eyes shut, hating every moment of this.

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