The First Cut Is the Deepest

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I was in the corridor with George, Meredith and Izzie. Cristina joined us.

"Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates?" Izzie asked.

"I do want roommates, we're together a hundred hours a week, you want to live together too?" Meredith asked.

"No. Ooh, you're bringing bribes now?" Cristina asked Meredith gesturing to the coffee in her hand.

"I need a place to live. My mom irons my scrubs. I have to get out of there," George said to Meredith.

"It's not a bribe, I don't think it's a good idea," Meredith said.

"But I can put down last, first and deposit," George said.

"It's totally a bribe," Cristina said.

"I can cook. And I'm an obsessive cleaner," Izzie said to Meredith.

"No. I just want two total strangers who I don't have to talk to or be nice to, and it's not a bribe, it's a mocha latte," Meredith said.

"Living alone is so much easier," I said.

"Agreed," Cristina said as Dr Bailey walked towards us.

"George, you're running the code team, Meredith, take the trauma patients, Cristina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients, Izzie, you're on sutures. Sage with me," Dr Bailey said.

"Dr Bailey. I was hoping to assist you in the OR today, maybe do a minor procedure? I think I'm ready. Mocha latte?" Meredith held out the coffee as Dr Bailey and I were about to walk upstairs.

"If she gets to cut, I want to cut too," Cristina said.

"Yeah, me too," Izzie said.

"I wouldn't mind another shot, I mean if everybody else is..." George started.

"Stop talking. Every intern wants to perform their first surgery, that's not your job. Do you know what your job is? To make your resident happy. Do I look happy? No. Why? Because my interns are whining. You know what will make me look happy? Having the code team staffed, having the trauma patients answered, having the weekend labs delivered, and having someone down in the Pit, doing the sutures. No one holds a scalpel until I'm so happy I'm Mary freakin' Poppins," Dr Bailey said taking the coffee anyway. "Why're y'all standing there? Move!" I followed Dr Bailey.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"You graduated top of your class at Johns Hopkins correct?" Dr Bailey asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Then you should be able to handle letting an intern shadow you," Dr Bailey said.

"Sure. I can do that," I said. We stopped at a conference room. We walked inside.

"Is this the intern?" Dr Bailey asked.

"Alex Karev. Nice to meet you blondie," Alex said to me.

"My name isn't Blondie. It's Sage Sloan. Dr Sage Sloan," I said.

"Let's go," Dr Bailey said.

"Dr Bailey has 5 rules. Memorize them. Rule 1 don't bother sucking up. She hates us and that's not going to change. Rule 2 answer every page at a run. Rule 3 if Dr Bailey is sleeping don't wake her unless your patient is dying. Rule 4 dying patient better not be dead when she gets there because not only would you have killed someone you would have woken her for no good reason. Rule 5 when Dr Bailey moves we move," I said.

"Anything else?" Karev asked.

"Don't complain. Our job is to make our resident so happy that she's Mary freaking Poppins. Did I miss anything, Dr Bailey?" I asked.

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