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Name: Vivian
Fandom: Pokémon
Game she appears in: ledgends arceus
Brother: volo:
Team: blissey.alpha garchomp,alolan nine tails,Vaporeon,lucario,togekiss.
Personality: Vivian has a boundless sense of curiosity and is always interested in unusual findings and people. She also has a tendency to pop up unexpectedly.

However, it would later be revealed that underneath her friendliness, she is a delusional and ambitious megalomanic who is extremely obsessed with Arceus and his desire to meet the deity is so great that she won't hesitate to defy the forces of the universe by gathering the plates to create a new and "better" world on her own. Even after losing to the player, she refuses to accept or respect the order of the universe, displaying his extreme delusion as well.

Volo also admitted she was willing to use physical force on the player force to take the plates from them should the player not wish to fight her.

However despite her negative traits it is implied that she does care for her own Pokémon as shown with pictures of her and her Togepi at the photography studio as well as the fact that her Togepi eventually evolves in Togekiss with Togepi's first evolution in Togetic being only possible if Togepi has high friendship with their trainer.
Quotes: Oh? What a curious getup you have there. I can already tell you're quite the character! I'm Vivian  of the Ginkgo Guild, the go-to choice for any of your mercantile needs here in Hisui! I've heard talk about you. Fell from the sky, didn't you? Now that's certainly a tale I'd like to hear... Oh, you've a Pokémon! You're certainly full of interesting surprises... Investigating the odd and novel is key to any good merchant's success! So what do you say? How about you and I see how our Pokémon stand up to one another in battle?"
Maybe not...: "But what's the point of having a Pokémon, then? Come on, now—it's just a friendly competition!"
Sounds good: "I like you better and better! What a delightful find!"
"I've also heard about this trial you're to attempt. Let's have a quick battle to get your blood pumping before you head out! Though I hope you know you'll lose if your Pokémon's HP reaches zero!"
Being defeated
"Moves, items... Use them well, and the world will open up to you!"
After being defeated
"It's always good fun to have your Pokémon do battle, don't you think? And as they gain experience through battle, they'll learn more moves and grow even stronger!"
"But so few people here have their own Pokémon. If only more knew how to use Poké Balls! At any rate, let me help our two battlers recover from their little exercise."
"And to you, my sky-fallen friend... I present some Potions in thanks!"
"You can use them on your Pokémon whenever they might be worn out from battle. I'll be hoping that you're successful on that trial of yours. More Galaxy Team members means more customers for yours truly, after all!"
Returning after learning Secret Back Strike Technique
"How are things, my good friend! I certainly hope you're putting that Secret Back Strike Technique I taught you to good use! Either way, I have some Super Potions here, just for you!"
"Oh, think nothing of it! Having the Survey Corps out and about studying Pokémon is great for business, you know. Supporting you now is actually an investment in my own fortunes! And now I must depart! There are ruins that are just calling to me!"
After quelling Kleavor
"I saw the light fading into the sky. You must have quelled the lord Pokémon! And what do you have there? Could it be...? Ah! Those are two of the fabled plates of old! Please, let me have a look!"
"I see there are letters carved into them. Let's see. This one says... "Where all creation was born, that is the being's place of origin." It seems to be a phrase from a very old myth. How did you come across these?"
"I see! So you were given the plates when you impressed Wyrdeer and Kleavor? That is quite something, indeed! My heart is practically racing with excitement! It is my guess that you will find more plates like these scattered across Hisui! If we were to gather them all and decipher the scripts on them, we may uncover something absolutely amazing! The mysteries of the past! Oh, how they tickle my curiosity! What a joy to be alive in such times! Well, I must be on my way. Until next time!"
Obsidian Fieldlands
"Boo! Did I surprise you? I bet I did! I was trying to, anyway. There's a secret technique to catching Pokémon, you see. It's what I call the Secret Back Strike Technique! Hitting a Pokémon's back with your Poké Ball will surprise it, making it easier to catch or giving you an advantage once a battle starts! If you're part of the Survey Corps now, working to create that Pokédex as they all are, you might end up meeting every last Pokémon here in Hisui. You should know I'm already looking forward to the day you accomplish that!"
Solaceon Ruins
Before battle
"Ah, <player>! How about you show me the strength that could quell even a frenzied lord? A battle with you might let me experience even a fraction of the power the nobles wield!"
Being defeated
"Oh, my! You're quite adept at instructing your Pokémon in battle! My goodness, that was fun!"
After being defeated
"Such prodigious strength! Now, let me just heal up your Pokémon... Well now! I think that settles it. I must ask your help in retrieving the Wall Fragment. With your skill, it should be a cinch!"
Wall Fragment?: "Yes, exactly! Some bandits pillaged the Solaceon Ruins and made off with a fragment of the wall engravings!"
"Have you not heard of the notorious Miss Fortunes? They're a trio of bandits that have even hit us Ginkgo Guild more than a few times! Not the kind of regulars I like to have, let me tell you! Miss Calaba is doing everything she can to regain the fragment, but at 99 years old... It's a bit hard for her top chase leads all over the place. So what do you say, kind sir/(female term)? Why not help find the fragment for the warden? Oh--naturally I'll be happy to lend you a hand! Those sisters swiped my wares, too, and I'm no Ginkgo Guild merchant if I take that lying down! And far be it from me to let them just get away with vandalizing the precious ruins of this region! You know, I did see the remains of a campfire near the Mirelands Camp. Perhaps worth checking out?"
After returning with the Wall Fragment
"Good work, very good work indeed, <player>! You got the fragment back safe and sound! I'm well aware of Calaba's reputation--they say she's stubborn, too old-fashioned, and so on... But she's given the Pearl Clan all she has, ever since she was young. She lived her prime years here in the Hisui region, trusting in the guidance of almighty Sinnoh. I don't think it's that she hates he Diamond Clan or the Galaxy Team--rather, I think she simply loves the Pearl Clan very, very much. Anyway, I do hope you're able to calm Ursaluna's frenzy, <player>! A raging Pokémon in the area isn't good for business, I assure you."
Crimson Mirelands
After calming Ursaluna
"You're a real wonder! I saw light disappearing into the space-time rift. Quelled another frenzied Pokémon, have you? We still don't know what's causing the lightning that frenzies these Pokémon... But you! You just go on rescuing them, without even a hint of trepidation! You might even change the entire course of history here in Hisui... And I definitely want to be in the good books of someone like that! Let's stay in touch, friend!"
Cobalt Coastlands
"Why, hello there, Mr./Ms. <player>! Fancy running into you out here! Me? Oh, I'm on the hunt for some plates! How's your plate hunting going, young friend?"
Regardless of choice: "No need to be humble! I see you've already got your hands on four plates!"
"You gain plates when you quell frenzied nobles–and when a great Pokémon recognises you as worthy of bearing, isn't that right? The way you've been collecting those plates... It reminds me of the ancient hero. The one that's said to have battled against almighty Sinnoh."
"You know, I've been wondering... The 10 Pokémon that are said to have followed the ancient hero–their powers are supposed to have come from almighty Sinnoh itself."
"Why would they seek to challenge almighty Sinnoh along with the hero, then? Perhaps we'll get some answers once we gather all the plates? Well, let's both do our best to find more! But please, don't overexert yourself. I'd hate for something to happen to one of our guild's loyal customers!"
Coronet Highlands
Ancient Quarry
"Ah! There you are, Ingo!"
"I wanted to ask about that memory loss of yours. Have you considered that it could have somehow been caused by the space-time rift?"
"Indeed... Well, I do hope your memories return, Warden Ingo. How about you, then, <player>? Do you remember what you saw before you fell out of that rift? Was there anything inside?"
Regardless of choice:"Interesting... You see, personally, I suspect that whatever is on the other side of that rift is causing the strange lightning that plagues us."
Regardless of choice:"Indeed! I did some digging and found records indicating that this same space-time rift also appeared in Hisui in the distant past. That's why we already had a name for it as it appeared, in fact."
"Now, what kind of world do you suppose stretches out on the other side of the rift? My guess is that it is almighty Sinnoh's realm... But then that begs the question: Why has the space-time rift opened, when it closed once so long ago? And why would <player> have fallen through to us? There's just so much we don't know..."
"Oh, I am a mere admirer of ruins and little more! If something needs investigating, then I would entrust that task to <player>! Until next time, then!"
Alabaster Icelands
"Why, if it isn't <player>! What a pleasure, finding a familiar face–or any face–in this far corner of the Alabaster Icelands."
"I came to bring Gaelic an order of Swordcaps, and he was more than willing to have a chat about Avalugg!"
"What do you say? Interested in a bit of gossip?"
Absolutely!: "And why wouldn't you be!"
"So, Avalugg, yes? The fifth of Hisui's nobles... Well, yes. According to what I was told, not only does he barrage you with chunks of ice–fires off massive icicles, and he can cause sharp ice crystals to erupt from the ground below you! Doesn't that seem a bit too powerful to take on? What's more, apparently the Avalugg of old could be up to a hundred feet tall. Doesn't that seem a bit too big to take on?"
"Hmm, yes, well, I did want to see that Avalugg but perhaps not at the cost of my life. So I suppose my freezing digits and I will be off!"
Obsidian Fieldlands
After being exiled from Jubilife Village
"Strange events seem to follow you wherever you go, don't they?"
"Found you at last, <player>! I've been looking all over for you, you know! What would I do if I were to lose one of my favorite customers? Don't worry. I've already heard what happened. A good merchant knows well the importance of staying abreast all the latest news. It seems you're in quite the pinch. No place for you among the Diamond Clan or the Pearl Clan–to say nothing of how poorly the Galaxy Team has treated you! But not to worry. There are still corners of the Hisui region where we can stash you away in secret. I know a spot that will be the perfect hideaway. Leave it all up to me!"
Ancient Retreat
"Here we are. I know, I know–it's no palace. But you know the saying about beggars and choosers."
"Always a pleasure, Mistress Cogita. But I'm afraid I'm not here today to learn more of Hisui's myths and legends. Why, <player> is the man/lady of the hour. He's/she's the one who quelled the frenzy of all the Pokémon nobles, believe it or not."
"Bind the world, you say...? You mean it won't close the rift?"
"Mistress Cogita's got a lovely workbench here. And if you need materials, I'd be glad to help. I'm always happy to do business with you."
Regardless of choice:"Ah, that is a problem, isn't it? What shall we do about that, indeed?"
"How could I refuse you, ma'am? Off we go, <player>."
"Hello, hello! It's an Abra! Where did you teleport from, little fellow? And it's got a letter... A letter addressed to you, <player>."
"Good tidings from the letter, then? Now then... So we're to visit three lakes? It doesn't sound like an easy task–that's for sure. It sure would be wonderful to have a kind soul who might help us out..."
After Adaman and Irida arrive
"So, then, the leftover leader will...? Of course, of course... And the lucky chosen one comes with us to the lakes. We can fill you in on the details as we go."
Lake Verity
"They say this lake actually used to be a volcano. Then it erupted, leaving a huge crater that filled with water. And so Lake Verity was born. It is protected by a Pokémon called Mesprit. It was when Mesprit first took flight that people first learned the joys and sorrows of living. Or that's how the old tales go, anyway."
"Th-that cave–it just... appeared from nowhere! Is that the Arc Phone the professor was going on about?"
"Mistress Cogita seemed quite intent that you would have to prove yourself to all three of the Pokémon that guard these lakes... This challenge was never for the faint of heart."
After completing Mesprit's challenge
"Looks like that worked out well, <player>!"
"That's right! You could say it's because I'm a merchant, but mostly I'm just naturally filled with curiosity! I want to know exactly what happened in the past that led us to this particular present... Or more accurately, I suppose... I want to know where I came from and where I'm headed. I want to know my path, so to speak."
"Weighty matters to ponder, for sure. But we have an important task before us! Do you want to return to Mistress Cogita's home?"
Let's go back:"Perfect! I'd like to see what she thinks of our progress."
Ancient Retreat
"You're absolutely right! Myths and legends are such fascinating things to study! In any case, all we have to do is complete two more trials and we will get the Red Chain!"
Lake Acuity
"Here we are: Lake Acuity! You know, I've been told it actually contains seawater as well. Nobody knows why, though–it could be a fluke or geography, or perhaps it's connected to a Pokémon somehow. Lake Acuity is protected by the Pokémon Uxie. When Uxie took flight, the knowledge to solve problems was born in people's minds. That's what the stories say, anyway."
"A tool that can make caves simply appear from nowhere is quite a handy one to have! I imagine there may be Pokémon in there, protecting the lake's guardian. Take care."
After completing Uxie's challenge
"I assume all went well, <player>!"
"Still, I must wonder... Why don't they just give us the Red Chain? Why all this running about?"
"Perhaps you are right... Who knows what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands, after all."
"Who can say for sure? Maybe the Red Chain has some other use besides mending the world. So... shall we return to Mistress Cogita's home?"
Let's go back:"Wonderful! Then we can see if Mistress Cogita has any more insights to share with us."
Ancient Retreat
"Indeed. Yet we may want to add just a dash more speed. Things in Jubilee Village are...tense."
"It seems a Pokémon's been glimpsed on the other side of the rift. One of those Ginkgo Guild merchants informed me that Commander Kamado has raised a force–not to survey the Pokémon but subdue it, should the need arise. Now if––IF––a Pokémon truly were to appear from beyond the rift... What would become of everyone, I wonder?"
"That's the spirit! I'll come watch this historic moment unfold, too."
Lake Valor

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