Chapter seven - Breakfast is served (smut!)

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Trigger warning: smut



I walked to my own bedroom and laid down on my bed. Eyes on the ceiling, I thought about the kind gesture Chishiya gave to me: saving my life. It was litteraly the first time ever someone did something so kind to me. Even Aguni didn't go that far.

In the real world, I got bullied all. the. time. I don't even know why people hated me. They found me weird, laughed at me and punched me. Maybe I was just an easy target. Since I came here, I felt powerful for the first time. I finally had something to say and people looked up to me. This time, it was my time to bully and punch. Ha ha ha. That's why they were also scared of me.

But Chishiya seems different. He doesn't seem to be afraid of me, even though I tried to scare him several times. In fact, he just did something kind to me! I'll definitely return that favor for him. With that thought, I fell asleep and dreamt of Chishiya.

I woke up when dim light came through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my whole body. I felt different. It was going to be a good day. I stood up and went to the cafetaria to fetch a plate with some buns, butter and two oranges and walked back to my hallway. I knocked on the door of Chishiya's room and didn't wait for an answer to enter. I didn't see Chishiya in his bedroom, but heard noice coming from the bathroom.

When I looked through the keyhole, I saw Chishiya's back covered in a thin layer of foaming soap, showering. He turned around and gave me a sight on his glorious private parts. 'Damn!' A bulge grew in my pants, but I knew I couldn't just enter and fuck the hell out of him, even though I wanted to. Waiting for him to finish probably wasn't a very Niragi thing to do, but maybe it would eventually get me what I wanted. So I sat down on his bed with the breakfast plate in front of me and waited.


After I turned the shower off, I stepped out of it to comb my hair in the mirror. I depped myself dry and hung the damp towel around my neck while reaching for the doorknob to get my clothes out of the closet. When I opened the door, I came face to face with Niragi. I saw his eyes flickering up and down before I remembered that I had nothing on. I covered myself with my towel and frowned.

'What are you doing here again?' I mumbled mad.

Niragi turned red and smiled from ear to ear: 'Uhm... Good morning, Chishiya. Did you sleep well?'

I marched towards my closet and pulled out a white hoodie and blue swim shorts. 'Did you bring me breakfast?' I asked while kicking my legs through the legs of my shorts.

Niragi grabbed a bun and reached it over to me. 'I thought you'd appreciate it,' he blushed. 'I wanted to clear my debt. And thank you, actually...'

I frowned and looked him deep in his eyes, questioning what he was trying to do. I took the bun and brought it towards my mouth. 'Why are you always trying to approach me when I am alone, yet you are always so mean to me when your friends are around?' I asked before taking a small bite out of the bun.

Niragi's eyes followed every movement and his lips curled up. 'I don't know... I am the other militants' figurehead. I can't act like a pussy around them. And... I just don't know how to act around you, I guess...' his cheeks got even more red. 'But I was thinking last night... That I maybe can... Like... Change that because you were so kind to me during the last game...?' he admitted. Niragi shuffled on my bed and twisted his fingers while looking at me patiently.

I raised a brow and leaned against the wall.


I don't know why I was telling him this. Maybe my brain shut off because all the blood was flowing towards my dick by seeing him naked. But words were out and floated in the air between us.

'I... don't think I feel the need to change the way we treat each other, Niragi. I am fine on my own and don't want to make friends here,' Chishiya sighed while putting the last bit of bread in his mouth.

Something snapped inside of me. In the first place, I didn't neccesarily want to become friends (or more) with him. But now that I've come this far, I couldn't be happy with anything less. Receiving a 'no' was never an option. So I stood up and laid both of my hands around his neck. His eyes widened and he gasped soundless.
I squinted and brought my face just one centimeter away from his. 'Then why are you such good buddy's with that ladyboy of yours? You don't even want to give me a chance!?' I yelled in his ear.

He turned his face away from mine.
I gave him a long lick on his cheek and pushed him on the wall. 'Hear me out, loser!' I clenched my teeth. 'I know you are a board member but don't you forget that the militants have more power inside these walls. So don't you dare putting yourself on the wrong page with me. You have been driving me crazy for the last couple of days. You did a move and now I was super kind to you. I even brought you breakfast! You are going to think about yóúr next move. And it better be a good one.'


The look in his eyes was like from an animal. He was going crazy, he was deluted. I knew that whatever I said now, I could never get through to him. And I couldn't fight eather. Niragi was a head taller than me and physically way stronger. So I closed my eyes to wait for it to be over. Blood rushed through my veins because of the adrenaline.

The next moment, I felt his lips touch mine. They included my mouth, like he had been thirsty for this moment for way longer. I froze. I felt Niragi's cold tongue piercing stroke against my upper lip. His grip loosened and his fingers rested on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and looked at Niragi's closed eyes. The fog in my mind cleared up and I pushed Niragi away, biting hard in his lower lip.

He stumbled but he could keep his balance. Blood dripped from his lip on his shirt and he smirked at me. He licked the rest of his own blood off his lip and moaned. Our eyes locked together and we stood in the strip of light that came through the curtains. My heart raced and almost pounded through my chest.

When I blinked, Niragi was gone. The only thing that betrayed his presence was the tingling sensation on my lips and the platter with breakfast that laid on the ground.

[End of chapter seven]


Hii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to reading more! Leave your thoughts and reactions here. Comments and votes are appreciated!

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

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