Chapter thirty seven - Like coins in a casino - Part two

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I gazed at Niragi and nodded. I saw in the look on his face that he knew what I meant and nodded back before he walked away towards a more remote part of the casino. The plan had started.

I went to the Queen of Diamonds and smirked at her: 'I feel lucky today. What can you offer me?'

'Is that so?'

She raised her eyebrows and looked around. Most people already ran away from the moment the bell rang. Some, on the other hand, stood hesitantly in the lobby, not knowing what to do. She pointed at them and commanded: 'you. Come here. Let's play a game together. The more, the merrier, no?'

The four players looked around anxiously, but sighed and joined us at the round table. They didn't really have a choice.

'Sit down. I was thinking about playing a round of Black Jack, but I think that's more fun with four players. So sadly, two of us have to go. We'll solve that with another game, right?' she smiled a crazy smile.

She stood up and walked up to the bar. She went after it and asked us: 'what do y'all drink? Some shots? Let's do some shots. That suits the game we're playing first...'

She crouched behind the bar to look for something. I heard some bottles clinking before she stood up with a bottle of wodka and six small glasses in her hands. She slowly walked back up to the table and poured everyone a glass.

'Kanpai!' she cheered while raising hers and commanding us to do the same. The alcohol burned in my throat but I tried not to show it. She immediately poured me another drink and looked me in the eyes: 'let's toast to a fair game without betrayal.'

I swallowed, gave her a smile and I drank my glass in one go.

'My grandfather is Russian. My family moved here sixty years ago. I have never been to Russia. But I do have a connection with that country. My favourite Russian game? Roulette. Ha ha ha!' she laughed.

After that, she pulled a gun out of her knee-high panty's strap. She opened the cilinder and emptied the bullets, but one. She showed us, gave it a spin and clacked it back in place. She smirked: 'who wants to start?'


After Chishiya nodded at me, I turned around and searched for the spin machine area. If I could sit there with my back turned to the others, close to a socket, I almost couldn't get caught.

I easily found a less lit place and sat down on the chair in front of the spin machine closest to the wall. I glared over my shoulder to make sure no one else was here and took the laptop out of my pants. I unwound the power cable from my torso and scanned the walls for an electrical outlet.

Fuck, yeah! I crawled there on my knees and plugged in my laptop before taking place on the chair again.

I put the pouch with coins on the little table next to the machine, arched my back over the laptop on my lap and acted like I was going to play. In reality, though, I opened a text document and started typing the HTML to break into this world. Just like I did in my everyday life as a game developer, but this time for real...

<html lang = "jp">
</command>enter system = conductor>
</current status>waiting for acces>

Access loading...



She waved the gun nonchalantly at the player to my right and ordered him to start with the Russian roulette. He took the gun from her and held it in his hand while sweat dripped from his forehead. My gaze shifted from him to Hoseki and back. She could only smile a big grin while she patiently waited for him to put the gun against his head.

Game Of Hearts - A Chishiya X Niragi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now