Chapter thirty five - Care

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I was sitting down on the side of the bed as I looked down on Niragi, touching his forehead with the back of my hand and frowned. It must have been about the twentieth time this night that I checked his temperature. He was still glowing. I had no idea he had suffered thís bad from the fire at the Beach... And that infection on his neck didn't do him well eather. When he woke up, I had to ask him immediately how he got it so I could treat it as well.

I felt a feeling that I didn't feel quiet a lot in my life yet. Was it... worry? Care? Who would've ever thought that I would worry about hím? He looked so fragile... But I wasn't afraid he would die. This was a lame way to die, for him. If he died, he would do it with a banger.

I stood up, pulled the chair from under de desk and placed it next to the bed. As I sat down on it - elbows on my knees and my fingertips touching each other in almost a praying kind of way - I stared into oblivion, thinking about the first moments when I started to feel something for him...

The clean, white curtains moved due to a fresh breeze blowing through the window. Niragi sat down on the white bed and grabbed a bun from the platter before reaching it over to me. 'I thought you'd appreciate it' he blushed. 'I wanted to clear my debt. And thank you, actually...'

I frowned and looked him deep in his eyes, questioning what he was trying to do. I took the bun and brought it towards my mouth. 'Why are you always trying to approach me when I am alone, yet you are always so mean to me when your friends are around?' I asked before taking a small bite out of the bun.

Niragi's eyes followed every movement and his lips curled up. 'I don't know... I am the other militants' figurehead. I can't act like a pussy around them. And... I just don't know how to act around you, I guess...' his cheeks got even more red. 'But I was thinking last night... That I maybe can... Like... Change that because you were so kind to me during the last game...?' he admitted. Niragi shuffled on my bed and twisted his fingers while looking at me patiently.

I blinked to wake up from my daydream and made a slight smirk. It felt like such a long time ago. So many things happened since that day. But thinking back about it, it seemed like Niragi already cared about me.

I lovingly looked at him and saw him blink, trying to open his eyes. He groaned when he moved. I uprighted myself to move closer to him.


I woke up and blinked a couple of times to get used to the light from the rising sun that shone through the bleak window. When I moved, all my injuries burned like hell.

'Shit...' I mumbled and Chishiya moved closer to hear me.

I playfully pushed him away and laughed at him, despite the pain. 'Fuck off, you!' I giggled. He frowned.

'I mean, argh...' I repositioned myself in the most comfortable pose possible. It hurt even more than before Chishiya patched me up. 'Why did it take so long? I searched everywhere for you but I have the feeling that you didn't even try to find me' I mumbled as I looked down, my fingers twirling around.

He laid his index finger under my chin and tilted my head to look me in the eyes. 'I'm sorry' was the only thing he replied.

'Normally you have more nice words to talk yourself out of things' I said cheekily.

'I think we've changed a lot since the last time we saw each other' he smiled and came closer to me, his lips softly touching mine in a gentle kiss.

I reached for the back of his head to pull him closer so he wouldn't stop kissing me. He carefully swinged his left leg over my lap to sit on top of me. His weight felt heavier than normally. It hurt. He laid both his hands on my cheeks as I intensified the kiss. I stroke my lower lip against his and folded my arms around him in a tight embrace. I didn't care about the pain for a moment.

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