Chapter fifteen - The first findings

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We walked to Chishiya's room on the fifth floor in silence. When we crossed another Beach member, he grabbed my arm like he was escorting me, but he let loose when we were alone again. He opened the door and pushed me inside. 'Go take a shower first,' he commanded me.
I went in the bathroom and closed the door. I inspected myself closely in the mirror for some minutes until a thought came into my mind. I opened the door again and saw Chishiya quickly put something inside of his pocket. I smirked at him: 'aren't you coming along? It's not like we didn't see each other already. And we have some things to discuss, right?' I held open the bathroom door for him and he rolled his eyes while sighing and standing up. Heh, I never thought he would give in so easily.

He sat down on the closed toilet seat and looked away when I started undressing. 'So, about what did you need to talk to me, Hatter said?' I asked.
'He suspects that you have something to do with the dissapearance of the card,' he replied.
'So he trusts you to interrogate me? Ironic that you are actually the perpetrator, then,' I said while pulling out my pants. 'You must be glad that you aren't the one tortured by Aguni to drag out the truth.'

He didn't reply but looked down. I stepped inside of the shower cabin and turned on the hot water. It felt so good after three days of torture without a shower available. I forgot about it for a moment: my worries washed away together with the dried blood on my hurting body. I showered in silence for twenty minutes or so before turning it off and opening the cabin door again. Chishiya handed over a towel while still looking away.

Instead of taking it, I bent over and reached for his chin. I turned his face towards me and smiled at him. 'Don't worry. I am a lot tougher, so I was happy to take in the pain instead of you. Though I expect something in return now.' I came even closer and pouted my lips, but he pushed me away and laughed.
'I didn't ask you to be on my side,' he grinned.

'What are you going to do with the card?' I asked again.
'Not going to tell you,' he replied while he opened the towel to put it around my waist. 'You look a lot better already,' he went on. 'So, now you can help me make up a story about the lost militants and the card that we can tell the rest.'


I wasn't going to tell Niragi about the card, but he could be of use to make up a good story. Besides, if Hatter ever interrogated us privately, it would be good if our stories were adjusted to each other. 'What did you already tell?' I asked.
'Nothing,' Niragi answered while drying his chest. 'Why do you think I look like this?' he pointed at his bruises and cuts and I followed his finger with my eyes.
'I knew Aguni wasn't trustworthy after all. You were his most loyal companion but he dropped you like a piece of shit...' I whispered. 'Do you want me to fix you up a bit?'

He nodded and I stood up to make place for him to sit. He sat down while I opened the cabinet behind the mirror to grab some desinfectant spray and bandaids I gathered in a shop I scavaged. I kneeled down in front of him and started desinfecting his wounds carefully.

'So we can still tell them anything we make up. That's good. Well, you know the militants the best. Why do you think they would run away?' I asked.
Niragi frowned his brows from the pain and hummed: 'hmm... Some militants aren't fond of the way Hatter works.'
I looked at his face and smiled: 'so I can tell Hatter they ran away to start a new community with the card they gathered during the game! They told you but because of your loyalty towards him, you didn't join them.'

Niragi's lips formed a soft smile. His look warmed my heart. I started putting on the bandaids on the worst cuts on his chest and smiled back. 'Thank you, Chishiya.' His voice sounded way softer then the high-pitched screams that usually came out of his mouth. His hand reached once again for my chin as he pulled my head to face him. My brain stopped working while he bent over to plant a kiss on my lips. Due to the hot shower he took, the metal of his piercing felt warm this time, what resulted in a different experience then last time it touched my lower lip. His tongue licked my lips and he closed the kiss with a soft stroke of his upper lip against mine.

Once I registered what was happening, I stumbled back and fell on my butt. Niragi grinned and grabbed his clothes to get himself dressed again. I sat on the ground and watched him. After he was clothed again, he offered me his hand to pull me back up. 'You can take me back to my new room now. Ask Hatter to go on with my interrogation tomorrow,' he suggested.
'O... okay. G... good idea,' I replied confused and I grabbed his arm again to escort him to his room on the ground floor.

After dropping him off with a mixed feeling of guilt and indifference, I continued my way to Hatters suite. I found him chilling in his luxurious, big couch with a dozen of scantily dressed women. When he saw me enter the room, he waved them away with his hand and straightened his seating position to listen to me.

I cleared my throat and started: 'I am here to report my first findings. It was not easy to get it out of Niragi, but the information he gave me is 100% genuine. Though, the info I have for you might come as a shock. He told me not all militants had loyal thoughts about you. The two that played the game that night were the worst. They told Niragi about founding another community with new members and cards. They were planning on running away that night, together with the other players of that game and Niragi. But he refused to go with them, because he wants to be loyal to you and you only. Niragi tried to stop them, but they were gone when our group from the game finished. Niragi saw them running away with the three other strangers from their game group and the playing card. He tried to shoot them, but he missed since he was still confused because of the game we played.'

My story was impeccable. And Hatter believed me. I saw it in his eyes. 'There is more. Niragi also gave me names of the other unloyal militants. I listed them on here,' I said while handing him the piece of paper I wrote names on while Niragi was alone in the bathroom. 'If we get rid of them, we don't have to worry about unloyalty inside of the Beach anymore. Everything will be safe,' I ensured him.
Hatter nodded slowly at me while squinting his eyes. 'Good work, Chishiya. I knew I could count on you.'

I turned around and smirked while walking away from Hatter. My plan was unfolding perfectly like it needed to be.

[End of chapter fifteen]


Hii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to reading more. Votes and comments are super appreciated! :D

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

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