Chapter eleven - Truth

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We stood there for more then five minutes, but no one came to look for us. Did that mean everyone else died? What could've been the other militants' secrets? What could've been so bad for them that they'd rather die then tell each other? I noticed that I actually didn't know them at all since I couldn't come up with anything.

'Let's go home,' Chishiya said once more and he pushed me off gently. Our eyes locked for ten seconds and I nodded while whiping away the blood that dripped out of my nose with my shirt. We left the room and I looked at the other doors when arriving in the hall of the building. All doors were opened slightly, but none of them was opened wide enough to let a person pass. Were we the only survivors? Chishiya saw me looking and just shrugged. He beckoned with his head to make me follow him back to the exit.

The nightly breeze was cold against my painful skin and made the walk back to the car seem extra long. The car was parked in the darkness of an industrial terrain next to the river. That way, other people who were not from the Beach couldn't trace us easily. We walked in silence but I noticed Chishiya's worried eyes regularly glare towards me. What was he thinking about me? Did he find me pathetic, sad, piteous?


Niragi's hard eyes were facing straight forward the whole walking trip back to the car. Was he in shock? Should I say something? Wh... Why was I even thinking that? Like I would care about hím. After all, he was a big bully and his past doesn't justify his actions at all. Or does it? I've learnt about the human brain and how it deals with trauma. His actions are actually very common. Maybe he is so twisted because they made him that way...?

I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket and clasped the playing card I took at the exit. A seven of hearts was a good win. I should keep it for myself. I glared at Niragi for the thirth time in ten minutes to check on him and saw his eyes flicker. I followed his gaze and recognized the car standing where we left it. Empty. What meant that the others didn't make it. That was for sure now.

Niragi kicked the side of the car and sat down on the hood, looking at the water. I stood a couple of metres next to him and looked at him. Without looking away from the scenery, he asked me: 'Are... are you going to ask something about what happened or not?' I gave him a sad smile and walked to the border of the dyke to sit down, legs dangling above the pitch black water.

'I don't know. Like I said, I'm not going to do anything with the information you gave me in there,' I said while looking at my own reflection in the water.
'And... what if I wanted you to do something with it? For you, it's just another story of another member of the Beach. Another weakness, like you would probably call it...'

I was shocked at the fact that he knew me well enough to know I would word it that way.

'... but for me, it's my past, my luggage. I have to carry it everywhere and it weights more than you could imagine.' Niragi's voice sounded broken.


Chishiya laughed sarcastically. 'You don't know anything about my past. Maybe it's way worse. Or maybe not. Who will tell?'

I looked at his back with a worried face. We sat in silence and I watched the moon rise higher against the dark blue sky. 'I don't think the others made it out alive. Even though it looked like I never cared for them, I feel, in a way, sad that they didn't make it,' I said to break the silence. Chishiya didn't say a word. Why would he? He was probably glad some militants were eliminated.

'Let's get in the car. It's getting too cold and that's not good for your injuries,' he said in a monotonous voice.

'What do you know about that?' I asked while watching him get up.

'Let me tell you something about my past! I was a med student. That's why,' he grinned and he got on the drivers seat. He turned on the headlights while I was still standing against the hood of the car.

'Okay... Why didn't you tell anyone yet?' I asked while taking place next to him.

'Like you were so clear about yourself. Look. It would only make things more difficult for me because Hatter would want me to take care of every wounded Beach member. It's easier to not show all your skills, you know?' he explained to me.

'I see.' I hesitated. 'I didn't show you all my skills as well. You always tell me I'm dumb. But in fact, diamonds are a forté of mine as well. It's not because I can't solve a sudoku as fast as you can, that I am dumb,' I replied.


His eyes flickered in confidence again. Just for a moment, before becoming worn out again. His posture seemed strong for a moment too, but it collapsed back and Niragi's head lowered so it came to rest on my shoulder. I stiffened and didn't know what to do. I didn't like this touch at all, but Niragi seemed like he needed it so I let him have this one. He seemed different around me now.

'I have to admit something,' Niragi said with his eyes closed.

'Hmh?' I brought out.

'I made a deal with Hatter so we could play a game together tonight,' he chuckled.

'And? Did you enjoy sharing it with me?' I frowned.

Niragi burried his face in the little hole in my collarbone. 'I promised good behaviour in return,' he whispered agains my skin. It tickled a bit. 'Now that you know my secret, I don't know if I can keep that promise. Maybe I have to kill you so information can't be spread,' he murmled.

I wasn't sure if he meant it, but I knew he wouldn't do anything to me, in the end.

'I don't think I want to go home yet,' Niragi whispered and he nestled even closer to me. 'I am so tired and my wounds hurt too much to drive.'

I was tired as well and spending the night ouside of the Beach for once seemed like not a bad idea. Even though it was together with Niragi. But he seemed to understand that I wanted some silence, since he stopped talking, so I was okay with it. I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly, dreaming about his horrible past.

[End of chapter eleven]


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