Chapter thirty two - Call (smut!)

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Trigger warning: smut



'He just killed himself by saying the wrong symbol!' I blurted out through the walkie talkie.

'Shiya, calm down. What exactly happened? What fucking symbol?' Niragi tried to get through me. But I couldn't calm down. I just couldn't believe that Ippei told the wrong symbol and left me here, alone. How was I supposed to be sure to survive now?

'Darling,' I heard Niragi on the other side while sitting in Ippei's cell, next to his lifeless body. I looked at his neck. The blood that dripped out of the gaping hole in it. The splatters of brain that leaked from the walls. And my sight got blurry because of the tears that formed in the corners of my eyes.

Ippei reminded me so much of myself from before Borderland. I felt so alone too. I was afraid too. And I sometimes thought about ending it. Because no one cared. Not my parents. Not my collegues in the hospital. He probably already felt likewise before he came here. But the difference was that Borderland made me stronger. And it apparently made him only weaker.

I took his hand in mine and a tear fell down on his striped t-shirt. Was he desperate because I betrayed him by talking to Niragi on the walkie...? Why did I even bother... I would never know. The only thing I knew was that it was now me against them. Alone.

'Darling, listen to me. I'm right here. On the other side of the wall. I can almost feel your prescence. You have no idea what I've been through to find you. I am so glad I did. Now, be a good boyfriend and fucking survive for me, please,' Niragi whispered.

The tables had been turned. Normally, I was the one of us with great words. The one that knew how to play the other. But now, I heard Niragi's words and believed them immediately. And I wanted to obey him. So I could see him again. I pressed myself against the wall and felt the cold bricks on my back. I breathed slowly to calm myself.

'I... I had a p... partner in here... He was g... going to save me... He is... gone.' I stuttered, eyes wide.

'Leave him there, Chishiya. We don't need anybody to survive but ourselves. And we are back together, ha ha ha!' I heard him. I would never have imagined that his voice could work so calming on me. Some weeks ago, I hated his voice. But now, it gave me strenght.


I sat against the wall of the prison and felt fucking euphoric. I found him in this damn big city! I was so excited to hear him - fuck - I couldn't wait to see him in person... to kiss him... to... fuck. I suddenly got a perfect idea.

'Go somewhere quiet. Where no one can hear us,' I commanded him.

'Uh... O... okay,' I heard him stutter. I could hear the crack in his voice, indicating his sadness. Shit, I didn't understand at all how he could be so sad about someone so useless.

'I feel like you could use some... relaxation,' I grinned while laying my free hand on the crotch of my pants, my voice the lowest it could be.

I heard him smirk on the other side of the line. 'See, don't need to be so sad now that we're back together,' I laughed. I heard him chuckle, like nothing happened. I mean, his mood probably was still low. But I just knew he was also happy that I was here.

'Are you alone?' I asked.

'Yes,' he replied.

'You know those movies... where two people with a long distance relationship are... on the phone?' I asked playfully.

I heard a smirk. 'What are you implying?' Chishiya asked.

'That I'm fucking rock hard just by thinking about you,' I said with a straight face.

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