Chapter thirty three - Idea

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After Chishiya told me where his cell was located, I easily found it on the outside of the prison. Now it was a matter of finding a way to see his symbol and tell him so he could make it out alive.

I thought deeply and reminded the shattered mirror that I found earlier near the Beach hotel. I pressed the button of my walkie talkie and talked: 'Shiya, how are you doing?'

He chuckled: 'I have felt better, but hanging in here... there aren't much competitors left so the game won't take long anymore. Do you already have an idea how you're going to help me get out of here?'

'Yes' I confidently said, 'I found a mirror earlier. If I am able to take some pieces with me and place them so that I can see your back, I can tell you your symbol over and over again until the rest of the players are eliminated. You won't even need to look for the traitor anymore!' I laughed. 'How much time is left?' I asked while grabbing my backpack out of the bushes again.

'38 minutes before the next round. Be careful' he whispered.

'Don't worry! Just sit back and relax' I grinned and started for my run back to the mirror. Even though my burns stung and my neck hurt, I tried to focus on finding the mirror and saving Chishiya. It was a welcome distraction.


I grinned because of his confidence, but appreciated that he at least tried to help me, even if it wouldn't succeed. 38 minutes wasn't much and the Beach was quiet a distance away from here. But Niragi was a fit person. So the chance he'd make it was rather high then low.

And so I tried to do what I was told: relaxing. My life was in Niragi's hands, so I couldn't do anything about it anymore. Nothing I did mattered anymore. So I used that as an advantage and went to stir up some chaos in this game. I wanted to find out whether my first idea about the traitor was right. And a slight plan for revenge nestled in my brain.

I walked to the cellar, grabbed my favourite pack of cookies and beckoned the last remaining players to sit with me.

'So, we've been here for quiet some time now. But we barely know each other' I smirked, 'let's change that and tell something about ourselves so we at least know who we're killing in this game.' I glanced through the room with my cat-like gaze and made eye contact with each of the other players individually.

'Hehe, why would we care, blondie? I'm only here for the fun! And the cookies' the girl in blue giggled before taking a bite from her pocky and standing up to leave.

The older woman who had been at her side immediately stood up as well and left in her wake. The couple in formal clothes didn't say a word.

'Maybe he's right. It will make it easier for us to be able to eliminate the traitor if we know each other. I'll go first. My name is Enji. Before this, I ergh... I worked in a supermarket as a cashier' someone said.

Right, Enji. I heard that name before. Or better: I read that name before...

Someone else took over the word: 'I am Banda. I didn't have a job before I came to Borderland. Let's say I was kind of a hopeless person. To be honest, my life was so meaningless that I actually quiet like Borderland. It... gives me a goal in life.' He said it all with a big smirk on his face, like he said something with a hidden meaning.

I grinned. I knew that feeling. 'My name is Chishiya. And I will get out of this game alive. My boyfriend is waiting for me, so I have to.'

I stood up and walked out to go back to my cell, smirking. It actually felt good to tell someone about my 'relationship' with Niragi. At least, I could die peacefully knowing that someone knew about it, I thought by myself.

Game Of Hearts - A Chishiya X Niragi FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin