Chapter twenty eight - The next stage

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Games against the Citizen of Borderland? That sounded like a challenge again. I smirked and turned towards the rest to see their reactions.

They all had a frightened look on their face, so I tried to put away my smirk as good as possible and hide my excitement. 'Well, since we're all good at other card types, I guess our ways part here once again,' I announced.

The corners of Kuina's mouth reached a new low as she heard me speak. 'Can we at least all stay together for the night until the new stage starts?' she asked. I rolled my eyes but nodded. Arisu followed me in my movement and nodded as well, smiling. Usagi crossed her arms and looked away, clearly not happy with this agreement. But it was decided.

We left the metro station the way we entered it and walked some blocks before we found a small parc in between big buildings with condo's. Usagi really wanted to spend the night outdoors, in tents as she felt more safe that way instead of in a building. And so we did sleep in tents that night, after devouring a hare Usagi catched.

I was laying in a tent together with Kuina. She stared at the ceilig of the tent and sighed before starting a conversation with me: 'Chishiya, don't you feel sorry for what you did back at the Beach?'

'No,' I replied, 'I don't. Even though I realized that I do see you as... kind of... a friend, or something. I would do it again the way I did.'

Kuina turned towards me, her body almost touching mine, her eyes piercing me. 'But friends don't hurt each other,' she said.

'There was no single moment in my plan where I hurt you. I only used Arisu and Usagi as a tool to get what I wanted, without a bad outcome for you. I couldn't foresee you becoming friends with them,' I reasoned.

She frowned: 'I can never bring something in against you to outsmart you, can I?'

'No,' I simply said.

She closed er eyes and rolled on her back again. 'Will you really leave us again tomorrow, now for good?' she asked.

I hummed and closed my eyes too. I turned my back towards her and fell asleep.

The morning sun burned through the ceiling of the tent as I woke up from the heath. I jumped up and opened the tent zipper, finding Usagi and Arisu already awake. They were eating canned lychees. 'Found them in the small convenience store in front of here,' Arisu smiled while handing me a can. I frowned, but took it and started eating. Kuina joined us some minutes later.

We quietly sat besides our tents, all in our own thoughts, waiting for the next stage to start. We suddenly got startled by some other people, screaming and running towards us. Followed by gunshots.

Arisu got up and helped Usagi. Kuina hided behind a trash can and I looked around to see where the gunfire came from. This was my moment to leave them. I waved at Kuina, jumped up and calculated where Usagi and Arisu would go before heading the other direction. Gone, I was.

My plan was to find a diamonds or hearts game and get as many days on my visum and as much information out of the opposing Citizen before looking for Niragi again.


It was the next day at 11:58. I was sitting on the bed in front of the TV, waiting for the announcement about the start of the 'next stage', like that bitch had called it. During the night, I had pondered about a lot. But especially about Chishiya. I was so pissed at him for leaving me behind without the cards. I really thought he was genuine with me. I was so dumb. But I would get my revenge the moment the next stage started.

The TV-screen lit up again. A bright, white wall was visible with two words on it: 'next stage'. That was it? No fucking explanation?

I jumped up from the bed, stomped towards the screen and pulled it out of the wall to throw it throught the window. No fucking way! I cried out a mad scream and punched my fist against the wall where the TV had been a couple of seconds ago.

Suddenly, I got distracted by gunshots. I sat down on the ground and crawled towards the window. I peeked over the window frame to see the shadow of a giant zeppelin towering over the condo I was staying. I looked over to where I saw movement and noticed a dozen of people running around like chickens. My eye fell on one of them I recognized immediately: Chishiya.

How the hell did he come here? I saw him looking around with that clever look on his face, probably up to something. I wasn't gonna let him know I was here at all. Even though I needed him to care for my wounds. I would find a way to do that myself. He must know that I was pissed at him. So I was planning on avoiding him for now.

I observed him further and saw him looking at something I couldn't see from my point of view. He smirked, turned around and was gone. He seemed totally not bothered by the gunfire.

Then, my eye fell on the one that wasn't visible from my point of view before: Arisu. Running from the salvo as well. Well, well... That loser was still alive?

If I hadn't been so dumb to follow Chishiya's orders, he wouldn't run anymore at all. Now that I had him in my sight, I felt the urge to punish him as well. And what was a better way to punish him, than through another person that caught my eye: that bitch Usagi?

The sound of gunshots pierced through the air once again. Some people fell on the ground. I followed the direction from where the shots were fired with my eyes and found a cloaked man laying down on a flat with an army rifle in his hands. Was this one of the games against a Citizen? Nice... I started to get more and more excited about it. While observing Arisu and Usagi, I thought about my next moves now that my previous plan wasn't good anymore.

Piece by piece, the puzzle fell together. I would follow Arisu and Usagi to their next game and be the first to subscribe for it, so they had to play with me. There, I would rape Usagi to take revenge on Arisu. I would ask them where Chishiya was heading and go look for him after to take care of him as well. Finally, I would steal Chishiya's cards and leave Borderland alone. Ha ha ha!

After I closed the curtains, I turned away from the window and purposefully walked towards the counter. I grabbed the most frayed knife from a drawer and plopped down on the bed with it. As I cleaned the knife with one of my bandaged arms, I looked deep into my eyes in the reflection of the mirror and smirked.

I did look scary. Great. I stuck out my tongue and laid the knife on top of it as I smirked. 'I might have fallen into your trap. But I am like a rat: I'll bite off my own leg if it means that I can break free. And when I'm free, I'd do anything I have to to get you back three times as badly', I said to my own reflection. I dropped myself on the bed and started laughing like a madman, with the knive in my hand.

After a while, I noticed that the gunshots had stopped. I peeked through the curtain and saw the zeppelin some kilometers away from my condo. My eyes searched for my target and found him easily.

I quickly shoved everything back into the drawstring backpack and tucked the knife into my makeshift shirt of bandages. I looked back once more, shut the door and ran downstairs to start my quest.

Arisu, Usagi and Kuina headed to the North of Tokyo. I followed them. On their way, they found another idiot from the Beach that apparently survived. I didn't know his name. All I knew was that he was useless.

They stopped a few times to gather food, get some rest and talk through their plan. I overheard that they were planning on facing the King of Clubs. Arisu wanted to know more about the Borderlands and he was sure that a King would have answers. Stupid kid.

After following them for a couple of days, I arrived first at the game site for the King of Clubs game. It was situated at the harbour and was built up from hundreds of containers stacked on each other to create a labyrinth. This seemed fun. The thought of playing with Usagi in there made my excitement grow.

I walked towards the entrance, where a table was waiting for me. On it, there were five bracelets and a sign that said to put one on to subscribe for the King of Clubs game. And so I did.

After, I walked a couple of meters, climbed up a container to have a good view and waited for my playmates to arrive...

[End of chapter twenty eight]


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to reading more! Any feedback on the content is welcome. Let me know what you think!

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

Game Of Hearts - A Chishiya X Niragi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now