Chapter twenty - Beast hunter

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I sighed while I turned on my walkie talkie to say something: 'I'm here. Over.' I heard a scream of relief from Kuina: 'oh good! I thought they didn't work! Can everyone say something to test it properly? Arisu? Over.'
Arisu made clear he was there, just like Usagi after him.
'So, Chishiya, did you also give a walkie to our new group member? Over,' Kuina giggled.

She told Arisu and Usagi about this? Well, allright. 'No, they can't use a walkie since that would be too risky,' I said and I looked at Niragi, whose eyes were staring at me while listening to our conversation. I continued: 'but don't worry, I have close contact with them and they will know exactly what to do!'
Niragi grinned and made gestures to emphasize 'close contact'.
I rolled my eyes. 'I will give you more instructions tomorrow afternoon, when Hatter prepares for his game. Over and out,' I said and I put down the walkie.

Niragi started laughing like a madman. 'Haha! Fucking close contact, yes we have! But how did you manage to make them cooperate even though they know I work with you? No fucking way that they are going to help us. They are so dumb!' he screamed.
'Sush, be quiet. I didn't tell them and I will not tell them eather. You will be secretly joining,' I said while pulling out a last walkie. 'We can communicate on channel three. No one else can hear us there,' I went on, handing him the device.
He smirked at me ambiguously but I ignored it. We had to focus now.

I ran over our plan once again with him before making clear we had to split up until tomorrow. I showed him the route to a place where I though a game would happen tonight and told him it would be better if we did different games, so there was a bigger chance on finding different cards. He agreed and we wished each other good luck. I opened the door and looked through it to see if the hallway was clear. 'No one is there, you can go,' I said and Niragi walked past me to leave. While crossing me, he touched my arm and winked at me, licking his lips. A slight shiver went down my spine as I waved him goodbye.

I used the rest of the day to already pack some things. I found a drawstring backpack and put a clean white hoodie, three black shirts and some of my makeshift weapons inside of it. After hiding it underneat the clothes in my closet, I decided to go for dinner in the cafetaria. I didn't take a seat at my regular table since Kuina and Usagi were sitting there and I didn't want to talk with them now. Instead, I took my platter to the pool, which was quiet during this time of the day, and ate my pokébowl there. It was tasty, so I really took my time to enjoy it. After finishing it, I grabbed my earbuds out of my pocket, put them into my ears and I stood up to leave for my game of tonight.


After a good meal, I prepared myself for my game. I mentally went over the direction instructions Chishiya gave me and hung my rifle over my shoulder. I was sad I didn't get to play a game with him, but I understood why he decided this. There would come more times to play together once we left the Beach for good.

I smirked and walked to my destination. The nightly air seemed less cold today. Perfect for a game! When I arrived, I saw Aguni and some militants already standing there, together with some unknown people. I smiled at them but didn't bother to say anything. I was nervous about the kind of game, as the place didn't really look like a building, but more like a... funfair or something? I wondered why Chishiya chose this place for me. How could he even know about places becoming game area's? He was so smart...

All of a sudden, I heard a crackling sound coming out of my pocket. I turned around and grabbed the walkie he gave me. 'Hello?' I asked.
'Niragi. Listen to me. Are Aguni and his militants there?' Chishiya's voices asked me.
'Uh-huh,' I nodded.


Good. When I saw this place earlier today, I knew it was going to turn into a game area tonight. When I walked past it with Arisu, I noticed slight differences that made clear they were constructing a game here. My daily walks aren't for nothing. I keep track of every place a game has happened. And this has never been one, until now. Due to the shape of the terrain, I also knew almost for sure that is was going to be a physical one. Something Niragi is very good at. Just like Aguni and the militants.

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