Chapter fourteen - The talk

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I was not the one to stand out at the Beach. In fact, I did everything to be as anonymous as possible. It would be much easier to succeed in my plan. But this time, Hatter picked me to talk to and I was scared he discovered my secret, how unexpected that would be.

I closed the door behind me and stood still, looking at him. 'I invited you earlier because we have to talk,' Hatter made clear.
I strolled towards my seat and sat down, my eyes focused on his face.
'I want my card back...' he said with a straight face and panic made itself master of me for a second.
'... but we don't even know what kind of card it is we are looking for. Since you seem like you have a hard time mentally recovering from the game, it must be a precious one,' he looked at me through his eyelashes and played around with the big ring on his finger that spelled 'BOSS'.
'Which card is it, Chishiya?'

I sighed out of relief and smirked at him. My nervousness was gone now that I knew he didn't know I had the card. 'You said you wanted to talk with me, not interrogate me,' I remarked.

'It was a six of Clubs. That's why we had to team up,' I said clearly.
'A six of Clubs...' he repeated me. 'Why was it so difficult, then?'
I sighed. 'You know I hate teamwork. Especially with the militants,' I bluffed.
'Okay. Well, I want that card and Aguni and his team are looking for it...'
I stood up to leave again since I thought he was done, but he went on: 'But he is so stressed because of it that he can't seem to think straight anymore. The fact that Niragi doesn't want to cooperate makes it even more difficult. I can't talk sense into them, but I am sure you can.' His voice sounded commanding, like I didn't have any choice but oblige.

'Uh... You want me to talk to Niragi?' I asked while taking a seat again.
He nodded: 'I have no idea what it is with you two, but ever since Niragi asked me to pair you together for a game, he isn't the same.'
I raised my eyebrows like I didn't knew what he was talking about. 'What do you want me to talk about?' I asked.
'I want you to drag out of him where the card and the other militants are,' Hatter made clear. 'Aguni couldn't...' he mumbled. 'I want you to report your progress to me from the moment you discover something. I know I can count on you and your intelligence, Chishiya,' he concluded and the doors of the Board Room slammed open when he said his last word.

Aguni stomped into the room and took a seat without saying a word. His furious eyes had big bags under them and his white knuckles were bruised. An, Kuzuryu and Mira entered the room right after him and quietly sat down too. They nodded at Hatter and looked down when the last group came in: Last Boss and another anonymous militant, dragging a lingering Niragi inbetween them.

They threw Niragi on his seat and stood on both sides of him, like he was held as a prisoner. I didn't give him a look and focused on Hatter instead, who started the meeting with some day-to-day modalities. However, my thoughts drifted away very easily and I couldn't register a word of what he said.

I first looked at the other Board Members to see if they were noticing me, but they all seemed to hang on Hatters lips. Then, I glared at Niragi to inspect him. He looked worse then the last time I saw him. He was beat up badly and dried blood was spread all over his body. At least, the parts I could see underneat his torned shirt.

His eyes were empty, staring into oblivion, like he had been through a lot lately. I stared at them to try to make him notice me, but he didn't move.

I was startled by Hatter clapping in his hands. 'The meeting is over, then. Thanks for your participation. And I am glad Chishiya and Niragi were able to join us again!' he smiled effusive, followed by an awkward silence. 'Aguni and Last Boss, you can stay for a moment. The rest is expelled. Chishiya will take Niragi back to his room. Which is now, by the way, room number 003 instead of 501, Chishiya,' he said enthousiastic as he waited until someone made the first move to leave.

An and Mira stood up simultaniously and I followed their example. I grabbed Niragi's arm and pulled him up so he could follow me. He walked without resisting. 'Goodbye, Hatter,' I said politely and we left.


Chishiya loosened his grip as soon as we turned around the corner. I felt his brown eyes glare at me once again, just like they had been doing during the meeting, but I ignored it. He took me to my new room in silence. As we arrived, we stood still in front of the door and I turned my head towards him. His eyes were still looking at me. We both reached for the doorknob at the same time and I felt his warm touch on my cold, bruised skin. Fuck. I pulled back my hand and he opened the door for me. I entered and heard the door close again.

I thought he just dropped me off and left, but when I turned around, he was still there. He looked around, a whiff of shock in his eyes.

This room was a bit different from my previous one, with only a chair in the main room. Which was covered in blood. My blood. On the windowsill were cuffs and a rope. That was all. 'Welcome. Make yourself at home!' I grinned sarcastically to hide my shame and I gestured with my arms to boost my words.

Chishiya didn't say anything and looked worried now. He bridged the distance between us and took my hand. 'Wh... what happened with you?' he asked.
'Why are you so worried?' I replied.
'I mean... Look at you. You look so bad... What did they do to you? Hatter told me you didn't want to tell Aguni about the game, but...' Chishiya brought out.
'Since when do you care?' I asked. But that was only to hear the answer I wanted to hear out of Chishiya's mouth.

'You have not betrayed me,' he whispered as he put his free hand inside of his pocket.
'I was curious about what you are going to do with the card,' I replied.
Suddenly I couldn't bare it anymore that he was able to see me like this, so I pulled back my hand and turned around to face the window.
'I won't tell you, but I appreciate that you didn't say it to Aguni. I should rethink about your nickname, 'puppy',' he grinned to make the atmosphere a bit lighter.

'Come with me. Hatter told me to talk to you, so he will not complain if I take you to my own room,' he explained.
'Are you the following puppy now, Chishiya?' I smirked.
He copied my facial expression, but with a darker undertone: 'we have to play along in his game for a while now, so we don't become the suspects but the cooperators. Afterwards, I can once again pull the strings like they are the puppets.'

He beckoned me and I followed him like his puppy. Was he pulling my strings as well?

[End of chapter fourteen]


Hii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to reading more. Thank you so so so much for the 1K reads! I will soon write again. :D

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

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