Chapter thirty four - For the people that lost fate

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The next couple of hours were a bit blurry to me. This thing that bitch stabbed into my neck got infected and the wound burned as hell. So inbetween telling Chishiya's symbols, I drifted away and fell asleep into fever dreams.

'Niragi? Are you there?' Chishiya asked me on the walkie. 'This is going to be the final round.'

I squinted my eyes and rubbed them to wake up properly. I saw the sky above me turn purple: the day was coming to an end. I sat upright to see him better. Damn, I felt horrible. But I didn't show that. I didn't want to make this about me. We were going to save Chishiya, not me.

'Yes, I'm here, darling. Show me your symbol' I said and he turned around so I could see it in the mirrors. 'Ah, it's hearts again' I murmled and I plopped down again, laying on the flattened grass.

'Thank you, we did it! But before I come to you, I have to deal with something else! Hang in there, I'll be as fast as possible' he said.

'I really wish to see you soon...' I mumbled while falling asleep again.


Ippei made me realise somthing very important about myself I had almost forgotten: how I was before Borderland. But - as the villian I was now - I turned that realisation into a little evil masterplan. Unlike other times, it wasn't neccesarily beneficial for myself. Just think about it as an honour for every person that didn't become stronger because of Borderland. This was for the people that lost fate, this was for Ippei.

'Please tell me your symbol' the voice commanded.

'It is hearts' I replied. And I heard two shots before my door clicked open again. That were the last two: the couple. Banda made them distrust each other by telling them some lies and their paranoia did the rest. Now it was just the three of us. Man, I was going to enjoy this big time.

I heard another cell door open, some stumbling in the hallway, and the sound of crazy laughter. He was probably thinking that he won, already celebrating our defeat. But the contrary was true.

I slowly opened my own cell and by the creeking sound of the hinges, the laughing abruptly stopped. I stepped outside and gave Enji a smirk.

Right after me, Banda did the same, on the opposite side of Enji's cell. We both had the biggest grin on our faces. Off course, who wouldn't be happy when they are proven right?

For a second, Enji had a weird look on his face. It seemed like he wasn't afraid. It was more... dissapointment. Like he was sad that the game was over, and that he didn't win. But he quickly recovered and made frantic efforts to save himself: 'uh, Chi... Shiya? We finally eliminated the last people, so we can be sure now about Banda!'

'Well tried, Enji. But we all know who the Jack of Hearts is. No need to try to save yourself anymore...' I smirked while Banda quietly got closer to grab Enji from behind.

The psychopath struggled but wasn't strong enough to break loose, and we took him to the cellar to make an end on this game.

Banda tied Enji to a chair with plastic bands I found in the guard room. I glanced outside to the dark blue sky, my back facing them, as I opened my mouth to say what was on my mind.

'This game made good people like Ippei go insane and loose fate in humanity. That's so... cruel. Therefor the maker of it needs to be punished' I said coldly.

Banda took a knife out of his pocket. I was a bit shocked because we weren't allowed to use weapons during the game, but he didn't seem to bother at all. He kneeled before Enji and stabbed the knife into his palm. Enji didn't move a muscle. It was a real psychopath.

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