Chapter twenty three - The theft

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'... So it is with pain in the heart that I will take over Hatter's position as the head of the Beach, to lead us all out of this place called the Borderland!' Aguni declared from the balcony with a prominent voice while gesturing with his arms.
I took my place behind the pillar next to him and cleared my throat to get his attention.
A militant turned towards me to listen and I told him Niragi informed me about a theft happening.

He interrupted Aguni's speech to whisper what I just said and Aguni turned around with squinted eyes. I nodded at him and he gestured to already walk upfront so he could finish his speech quickly. I turned around and bumped into a furious Kuina. Perfect...

'What does this mean!? Why are you telling Aguni about our...'
I shushed her before she could blab about our plan and quickly looked around to see if Aguni saw her. 'Don't worry, Kuina. Nothing will happen to Arisu. I have a back-up pawn for that,' I reassured her with alert eyes.
She crossed her arms with a mad face, but let me through.


I looked outside of the window. In the meantime it was already getting dark outside. I waited for Chishiya and Aguni to join me to catch that loser in the act. I was already imagining his face when he saw us come in together. Hue hue. I was grinning about the thought of that when Aguni turned around the corner, mad. I uprighted my position and made a neutral face to greet him. He stomped through the hallway and passed me to go directly to Hatter's suite. Damn.

I grabbed my rifle off my shoulder and took some quick steps forward to be able to stand by his side while he opened the door. He seemed to look towards another direction first, but I directly saw our target: Arisu, sitting on the floor next to the closet, turned around to face us with a terrified look on his face. When Chishiya came in the room and leaned against the door frame, the look on his face went from scared to confuzed to betrayed.

I laughed at him and stepped closer to grab him by his shoulder. 'So you thought you could fool everyone while we were listening to our new boss' speech, huh?' I spitted in Arisu's face.
He looked down and didn't say anything.
I pulled him up and turned around to face Aguni. He kept looking at Arisu while clearly pronouncing: 'thanks for informing me about this thief, Niragi and Chishiya. You can learn him a lesson now.'

I dragged Arisu with me and passed Chishiya, who gave me a penetrating look to remind me about our deal with the boy. I nodded and dragged Arisu further through the hallways, to a room I knew well enough: room 003.


Now I knew it all for sure, the code was correct and the safe was behind the deer portrait. Aguni betrayed himself: he looked at it from the moment he came in this room. What a predictable move from a predictable human being.

I smirked while still standing against the door frame when Aguni turned around to face me. Before he could say something, I took the word: 'I am glad we could help, boss. Now, I think you should go back downstairs so the Beach Members don't suspect anything bad. Go greet them as their new leader, gain their trust, ... I will stay here to protect the suite while Niragi takes care of that dumb boy.'

He closed his mouth again and nodded: 'okay, I'll do that. Thanks for your loyalty. I know I'm not like... Hatter... But I hope you stay as loyal as you were towards him.'
I smiled. 'Off course I stay as loyal to you as I was to him,' I said.
With big steps, he walked away to do what I told him and my smile changed into a big grin.


I threw Arisu onto the chair I was thrown on several times before during my torture. I laughed like a madman while I grabbed the rope off the windowsil and tied his hands on his back. Chishiya just asked me to not hurt him. He didn't say anything about scaring this loser...

Meanwhile, Arisu kept screaming Usagi's name. 'Shut up!' I yelled at him but he didn't stop. Why wouldn't that loser just shut the fuck up? Not hurting him was more difficult than I thought... I pondered about a solution: he had to stop screaming so no one - especially not Usagi or Kuina - would find him here quickly. An idea got to me and I ran to the bathroom to fetch some tape to cover his mouth.

His screams sounded muffled now. Fucking good. I bowed down to be on his eye level. 'Listen, loser. If it weren't for Chishiya, you would be almost dead by now. So you better be thankful and not say a word anymore. Your so-called friends will find you eventually, but now isn't the time for them to find you yet,' I told him before sticking out my tongue at him. His muffled screams stopped and he looked at me with confuzed eyes. 'Just trust the plan and everything will work out, idiot. Understood?' I continued and uprighted myself. 'In the meantime, have fun in here,' I said and I laughed again before leaving him behind, door locked with the shiftmake lock they used to lock me in here as well.

I looked through the window again to see a dark sky above the Beach. I opened it to feel the breeze and held the key of the lock in front of me. 'Oops,' I giggled when dropping it in the bushes under the window. 'Good luck finding Arisu now, losers,' I thought by myself while hopping towards the back entrance to wait for Chishiya.


I turned my head towards the deer portrait and slowly stepped closer to it. My grin got bigger as I reached it. While I touched the borders of the frame with my fingertip, I was already thinking about what I could do with the cards that were behind it. What power I would have, holding them in my hands.

I took the portret down and revealed the safe. How ironic that it was behind here. I felt like being in a b-ranked spy movie or something. I hestiated a couple of seconds, my fingers motionless in the air. I sighed and pressed '8022' before opening the safe.

There they were: about fifty playing cards. The Beach' most valuable position, laying in a simple wooden cigarette box. My eyes got bigger, as did my smirk. I quickly grabbed the booty and stuffed the cards in my pockets, I closed the safe and carefully placed the portrait in front of it again.

'Time to leave now,' I thought by myself as I quickly walked towards the door, 'time for my great escape.'

[End of chapter twenty three]


Hii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as I did writing it. Next chapter will probably be the last one of 'season one', so be prepared for the 'grande finale'. :D

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

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