Chapter eightteen - Preparations - Part one

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I woke up desoriented, blinking with my eyes to make my sight sharp again until I felt the presence of someone else next to me. I jumped up and recognized Niragi. 'Uhh, what are you doing here?' I asked when I saw his eyes looking back at me.
He chuckled: 'you mean, what am I doing in my own room? Sleeping, silly! You are the intruder here...'
I frowned and remembered yesterday evening, when I sat alone on the dinner table until late at night. I asked: 'what happened?'

'I found you sleeping at a table in the cafetaria so I decided to not let you helplessly lay there, but take you somewhere safe to sleep. Couldn't find a safer place then near me, so here you are!' he explained. He gracefully raised his arm to caress me, but stopped when I cringed under his touch.


'Aren't you in the mood this morning?' I grinned.
His mouth made an awkward smile while he sat up on the edge of my bed.
'It's okay! Tell me, how did it go with Hatter?' I softly asked him.
He seemed to relax a bit and smiled: 'good. He will promote you to head of security today, during the meeting at 15.00. So the plan can commence soon. It's important that you show yourself from your best side.'
I nodded.

'So... what are we going to do until the meeting starts?' I asked while leaning towards him. But he rejected me by standing up.
'I'm going for a walk. I'm going to see if I can find a good game we can play tonight,' he said.
'What do you mean? We still have four days left on our visum,' I curiously asked.
He nodded: 'yea, but we need at least ten days before we can leave. If they try to track us down, we need to be under the radar for some days. What means we can't participate in games. We will have to run as far as possible to attend games away from the Beach,' he said, facing the door.
'Ah, I see... I understand. Can I join you?' I replied.
He shook his head: 'no, we can better not be around each other here. They can't know we work together. I see you at the meeting.' And he left.

I stretched and stepped out of my bed too. I opened the curtains and looked down on a busy pool. Somehow, I will miss this place. I liked hanging out at the pool, getting wasted and playing with the girls. But now, I have someone else. Someone who is better than the girls.

I spotted Chishiya going towards the gate and leaving the Beach. I decided to leave my room and hang at the pool one last time.


I walked out of the Beach to go around to whole building and meet Arisu where I strategically placed him. The other day, I told him to do a task for me today. A task where he was able to find out the true nature of the Beach: the place where Hatter disposes the bodies of the traitors. I found Arisu already standing where I expected him to be. He had a shocked look on his face and I knew this was the last push to convince him to join my plan. Good.

'Oh, Arisu... So you found out about the true nature of the Beach? Sorry you had to find it out this way. Let's take a walk while I'll explain something to you,' I approached him with a soft smile and patted him on his shoulder. I hated this touch, but it was for the cause. 'O... okay...' he stammered and we took off.

I nudged the way towards a certain area where I thought a good game would be tonight while I started talking: 'the Beach isn't the utopia Hatter told you. It is actually a very dangerous place. Especially for good people like you and Usagi. A place we have to leave as fast as possible. That's why I need you to do a very important task for me. You have to search the safe where Hatter stores the cards.' I pronounced Usagi's name very clearly to convince him even more. Meanwhile, I was looking around for buildings that could become game area's tonight.

'Later today, I will give you and Usagi a walkie-talkie to communicate. Tomorrow, Hatter will leave to play a game himself. Then, we can strike,' I explained.
'Okay... How will I be able to find the safe?' Arisu asked.
'I will tell you the details at the moment,' I replied confidently.

That was the part of the plan I told him. The real plan, though, was a bit different. I was going to use Arisu as a bait for Hatter to make myself less suspicious. However, now that Niragi was part of the plot, Arisu was able to get away with it unharmed without Hatter knowing. Who could have guessed I was so good hearted? Haha.


I walked past the pool to the bar and ordered a pure vodka. Sipping it, I overlooked the pool area and saw some girls glaring my way. I squinted my eyes at them and gave them a cocky look. They looked confuzed and started chattering with each other. I can't believe I slept with all of them. Don't get me wrong. It felt good... But now that I know how it feels with Chishiya, the only thing that I want is his hard dick. Damn, just thinking about it gives me a hard one too... I should definitely take him after the meeting.

Three vodka's later, it was almost time for the meeting to start. I felt a bit light-headed, but I was used to a shitton amount of alcohol so I would be fine. I could use the alcohol, too... I stood up and stumbled to the Board Room. I flopped down on my usual chair and smiled at Hatter: 'good afternoon, boss. I am glad that I got invited to attend this meeting. And I wanted to thank you for placing me in my old room again. I am very grateful for that.'
Hatter nodded and smiled back: 'no need to mention it.'

Everyone trickled into the room, Chishiya last before the door got shut. Hatter clapped in his hands to announce the start of the meeting: 'first of all, I wanted to say that Aguni and his team are making progress in finding the lost militants and card. They are combing out the environnement, so it won't be long until we track them down.'
Everyone murmured in agreement and I secretly smirked at Chishiya.

Hatter went on: 'secondly, I want to announce we will have a greater security system from now on. The main rooms will be guarded at all times so no one will ever be able again to steal from us. I will personally assemble a security team to handle this utmost important task. The person cut out for the job as head of security is... Niragi. Congratulations, you are promoted to head of security!'

He enthousiastically gestured with his arms and urged the others to applaud. The whole room started fake-cheering and I looked around with a cocky look. 'Thank you, Hatter. It's a big honour and I will take on this job with the greatest secretion,' I politely replied.
'That's good to hear. Besides, You will have Chishiya at your service from now on to advise you. I know you aren't the best friends, but I really hope you will be able to cooperate in a professional manner,' he smiled. If he only knew...
'That won't be a problem,' I smiled and I nodded towards Chishiya, who nodded in agreement.


Funny. Hatter even used the same words as I did when I convinced him the other day. My plan was unfolding exactly how it was supposed to. 'Last but not least, I want to assamble a team to accompany me to my game. Any volunteers?' he asked. It was dead silent and I saw Aguni, Last Boss and two militants that were standing against the wall exchange a look. I couldn't really lay a finger on what their looks meant, but right after that second Aguni cleared his throat to speak up: 'me, Last Boss, Lee and Chan would love to join you, boss. You couldn't be safer then in our hands!' He smiled from ear to ear and the other militants nodded overdone.

The other Board Members exchanged looks but started murmuring in agreement again. They were probably happy they didn't have to go. 'Okay, Aguni. Let's do this, just like in the early days!' Hatter said full of excitement. 'The meeting is over, then! Thanks for your participation,' Hatter said.
'Good afternoon,' I murmured while standing up and I left the room with Niragi in my wake.

[End of chapter eightteen]


Hii! I hope you enjoyed this part. Stay tuned for the next part of chapter fourteen, which will be spicier... Follow me for more! :D

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

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