Chapter twenty four - The escape

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I opened the door of Hatter's suite and bumped into a militant. 'Where are you going?' he asked. Oh...

'Didn't you get the orders from Aguni? I was going to guard the suite until now. He said a militant would switch places with me, but guard the suite from the outside of the door first,' I made up on the spot. 'So I suppose it's you that has to be on watch now!' I concluded while raising an eyebrow.

And I left him behind. I ran through the hallways, all the way to my room to fetch the string backpack I packed earlier. I stuffed some more things in it, put on the hood of my jacket and left again, trying to avoid contact with anyone.

When I arrived at the ground floor, I heard voices from behind the corridor so I pressed myself against the wall to listen without being seen.

'If there is even one more fucking incident that happens, I swear I will personally slaughter everyone in this twisted utopia of his with my bare hands. First Hatter's death, now that stupid kid trying to steal these cards that belong to mé...' Aguni. He sounded crazy, deluted...

An anonymous voice reacted: 'b... but, boss. Hatter's death wasn't an incident, right? You all planned it beforeh...'

BLAM. Blood splattered against the wall of the corridor and I heard a light plop on the ground. Did he... shoot one of his militants? He's driving nuts. I made myself as small as possible to not get caught, but I heard footsteps towards my direction. So I decided to open the window, throw my backpack and jump after it, inside of the bushes underneath the window.

I grabbed my backpack and pressed myself against the wall again. I tilted my head to look at the window above me, and saw it open wider. Aguni's hands bended over the window frame as he bended over to look up at the sky. 'Hatter!! What did you leave behind for me to solve!?' he screamed into the night sky.

I looked down and narrowed my eyes to make him not look at me. As I opened them again, I saw something glimmer at my feet. I squinted my eyes to see it better, but I couldn't so I crouched down to take it. It was the key of the makeshift lock on room 003. And I immediately knew why it was here. Arisu was locked up there. I carefully put the key in my pocket, with the cards, and stood up to run towards the back entrance of the Beach.


I was sitting and waiting for Chishiya on the outside of the back entrance. Occasionally, I glared around the corner of the gate to see if he was already there. It took so fucking loooong. I stared at the landscape in front of me as I thought about how it would be to be out there, alone together with Chishiya.

Suddenly I heard my name and turned around to see him, Chishiya, run towards me. He came to a stop and walked slower while I stood up to greet him. But then, I saw another figure coming out of the dark. It was Kuina.

'Chishiya, stop!' she screamed and Chishiya jumped up out of surprise. He turned around to face her.

'Kuina...' he mumbled. Her eyes were burning from madness as she continued: 'so thís is your so-called back-up pawn that will make sure everything works out!?' She furiously  gestured at me with her hand. 'Don't you know the things he has done? He is a fucking dangerous psychopath!' she yelled while stepping forward and pushing Chishiya back.

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. It was kinda funny to see this weird woman so helplessly mad. 'What were you planning to do? Run away with that... madman and leave us behind? Speaking of, where are Arisu and Usagi even? Is leaving them behind also part of this plan? How stupid was I, thinking we were friends!' she kept going on. She was fucking unstoppable.

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