Chapter seventeen - The second findings

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I was standing against a pillar in the mezzanine of the main hall while Aguni publicly executed the four 'traitors'. I felt a bit of pity for them, but I also knew those were the sacrifices that had to be made for the cause of the plan. This thought made me smirk.

I turned around to leave and stumbled against Kuina. 'Long time no see, Chishiya! What mischief have you been up to with that ever lasting smirk of yours?' she spoke while poking my shoulder.
'Hello, Kuina! I was very busy, like I am now. I was just leaving actually,' I answered while sneaking past her to go, but she stopped me by sticking out her arm and putting it against the pillar.
'Don't you think I let you go so easily. You've been literally gone for days. Normally, I am the one you discuss everything with but I didn't hear a word from you! So something must be happening,' she said. She came closer to my ear to whisper: 'did your plan come into effect?'
I gave her a dirty look. 'Shut it, Kuina,' I cood. 'I really have to go. I'll tell you more tonight at dinner. Same place,' I said while stepping under her arm.
'Byeeeeee!' I heard her scream while I strode away.

I entered the Board Room and discovered a frustrated Hatter. 'Hatter,' I said and he abruptly pierced me with his eyes. They looked empty.
'Ah, Chishiya,' he hummed and he stopped pacing around the room. 'Take a seat. I guess you are aware of the most recent happenings. I wanted to thank you again for your loyalty,' he formally said to me.

I could feel there was something with him. In the beginning, he had made a mad impression to me. But it had worsened over the last couple of weeks. His eyes became more and more empty, like he was losing his mind. I smiled and looked down: 'it's the least I could do for a great leader like you.'

I sighed and looked directly into his eyes again. I spoke to him with my deepest voice: 'though, I am just the messenger. You should really thank the source of the valuable information. He cooperated very well by telling me the details.'
Hatter frowned, but I didn't give him the time to answer and went on: 'he gave me more info about the lost militants. He told me he saw them running eastwards. He suspects they set up a new camp near the Holiday Hotel. We should send Aguni and some militants that way to search for them.'
Hatter grabbed a pen and wrote something down on a piece of paper. 'Thanks for the information, Chishiya,' he said.

'As I mentioned before, I am just the messenger. However, I want to be of use as well. If I may, I would like to give you a piece of advice for your next steps before I leave you with your utmost important job.'
Hatter smiled at me: 'I am listening.'

'Even though we got rid of the traitors, we can't be safe enough with our valuables. I suggest setting up a security team,' I proposed. And I saw Hatters eyes light up.
'That's a good suggestion, Chishiya,' he mumbled.
I smiled again and looked at him through my lashes. 'If I may do another suggestion, I also know who is cut out for this task. Since Aguni is busy leading the militants already, I was thinking about Niragi. Even though me and him aren't that big of buddy's, I am sure he proved his loyalty. And he knows his business,' I added.

'I'll think about that and decide before the next meeting. Which is tomorrow at 15.00. Thanks for reporting, Chishiya,' he smiled.
I stood up and nodded as a goodbye before turning around and leaving.

That evening, I was sitting at my usual table, waiting for Kuina. She startled me from behind before plopping down in front of me, putting down two bowls of miso soup and chopsticks for the both of us. Typically something for her to do. 'Okay, little rascal. Tell me what's up!' she said screaming-whispering while picking up a little white blob of miso.
'I found the last pawn for my plan,' I got straight to the point.

She started caughing and looked at me with an angry look. 'Aren't Arisu and Usagi enough to sacrifice?' she asked, frowning. 'You know I am against you using those kind people for your own benefit!' she started speaking louder.
'Shut it, Kuina. I promise you this pawn will help us spare the others. But I can't tell you who it is. You have to trust me,' I whispered so no one else could hear us.
She made faces to inform me that she was wary, but I saw on the look in her eyes that she trusted me.

I sighed: 'there is something else. With my plan, I will give you the opportunity to leave, but we can't stick together after the Beach anymore. You will be on your own. Do you still agree to cooperate with me?'
Kuina looked confuzed, but she nodded.
'My plan can start soon, then,' I smiled. We ate our soup in silence and she left me when she was done first.

I sat there for hours to think and ponder. And I must have fallen asleep on that spot, because I don't remember standing up and leaving for my room...

[End of chapter seventeen]


Hii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to reading more. Votes and comments are super appreciated! :D

Photo from the Alice in Borderland series on Netflix

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