Pda- prefrence

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- he would definitely hold your hand
- would look around and if no one was looking he might kiss you
- if he sees his bully's he drops your hand and stands like 7 feet away from you

- would have his arm around your shoulder at all times
- would kiss you even if people are watching he doesn't care
- If a boy/girl  looks at you a way he doesn't like he'd probably beat the shit out of him/her

-would definitely makeout with you in public if your comfortable with it
- purposely kisses you in front of boys so they know your taken
- nobody messes with you cause Vance is always there beside you

- he's probably a little shy so he kisses you on the cheek forehead or hand
- when you two are alone tho he doesn't care and would just start making out with you
- has his arm around you at all times like robin

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