Chapter 43

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Game day

Leylah pov

We just got dressed in are uniform. And I did light makeup on myself. I left out bumping into Kingston.

Kingston. Hey bae

He grabbed my face kissing my lips a lot of time

His friend. King come on

He squeezed my but running off. I went in the gym. We practice cheers and the half time routine. And we are and waited for the game start.

Krystal. Leylah

Me. Hmm

Miyah. What you thinking bout

They laughed i'm think bout Kingston. I be thinking bout him all the time. I smirked snapping out of it. They looked at me before bussing out laughing.

We lined up to go out to the filed. We did are intro I get to the bleachers. We did the first cheer. And sat down as the game started. Are team made a touch down. Krystal called the there and we did it.

Half time

We got on the field and the music started and we started are performance.

We free styled the end. We did flips and left off the field. Once the other cheer leaders did there half time. We ended up battling them in cheer.

We weren't even cheering for the game anymore. Once the game was over we got watcher and coach talked to us letting us leave

Dad. You ready

I Nodded hugging my friends and boyfriend. We got in the sprinter with everyone.

Dad. You hungry

I nodded Montana drove to Wendy's. Getting everyone a 4 for 4. I laid on my dad shoulder. We pulled up at home. We went in. I got my food and went to my room. I took a shower putting my night cloths on laying in my bed. I laid in my my bed cuddling into my cover. I ateny good and put a movie on. Kingston started calling me.

Kingston. Bae

Me. Yea

Kingston. Wanna fall asleep on the phone tonight?

Me. Yeah, I'm watching a movie

Kingston. Ok.

I looked at my phone seeing him watching me. I smiled looking back at the tv.

Kingston. Wanna go on a date after school tomorrow?

Me. Yeah, where we going?

Kingston. Olive garden

Me. Ok

I looked back at the tv. Love came running in here crying.

Me. What's wrong

Love. M m mommy t tr trying t t to w wh whoop me

Me. Why?

Love. I b b be b b bad at school

Jazz. Bring your lil ass here

She held on to me right crying harder.

Me. Just go take. Your punishment then you can come sleep with me

She got up walking slowly to jazz. She grabbed her hand and whooped ger. She screamed and cried. Once she finished love ran and got back in the bed with me. She held tight to me.

She help coughing and sniffing till she cried herself to sleep. I laid her next to me. And picked my phone back up seeing Kingston looked at I guess his tv.

I went back to watching tv. Till I started dozing off to sleep.



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