Chapter 45

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Kentrell pov

I noticed that leylah been in her room all day. Usually she would come in my room or say something. It's 7pm and I haven't seen or heard her.

I got up going to leylah room. I knocked on the door. Soon she opened the door Her eyes are puffy

Me. You was crying?

Leylah. No I was sleep
She limped back to the bed getting under the cover

Me. Why you sleep so late?

Leylah. I couldn't sleep last night? My back was killing me. And I was uncomfortable because of my leg.

I had her take her medication and I went and got her some food from sonic

Leylah. Thank you

I nodded kissing her forehead.

Me. Let me see your back

She sat up. I pulled her shirt up and the purple bruise is still there. I touched it and she winced in pain

Me. You wanna put ice on it?

She nodded laying on her side eating her food. I went and got 2 ice packs. I wrapped them in a towle and put it on her bruise. she winced in pain again.

Me. My bad

I put her shirt down leaving out her room.

Leylah pov

I wiped the tear that slipped. My back is hurting really bad. I think when that man slammed me it broke something. I went back to eating my food. After I finished Kingston face time me

Kingston. Bae

Me. Hmm?

Kingston. How you feeling

Me. My back and my leg hurts

Kingston. You want me, miyah and Krystal to come over

Me. Yea

Kingston. There boyfriends are coming to if that ok?

Me. Ok

He nodded hanging up. I put my phone down. Soon my door opened.

Dad. Your friends here

I nodded he walked off and they came in closing the door Kingston came over here.

Me. Can you throw this away for me?

He nodded going to throw it away

Miyah. You sick?

Me. No my leg is broke again

They gapsed coming to see. When Kingston came back they signed my cast. And they turned my PlayStation on putting GTA on. I got on my phone. My door opened. I looked seeing love. She looked around

Love. Where sissy

Me. I'm right here

She came and claimed in my bed and got under the cover. I looked at her and back at my phone. She started playing with my hair.

Love. You ok sissy

I nodded not looking away from my phone.

Love. You sick

Me. No, i'm hurt

Love. Where

I showed her my leg she touched the cast. I got back on My phone. She kissed my face cuddling into me. I wrapped my arm around her.

Kingston. You trynna take my girl

He started ticking her making her laugh.

Love. This my sissy

She held on to my neck. Kingston laughed a little going back to playing the game. I played in her hair dozing off to sleep.

Later that night

I woke up to a lot of talking. I looked seeing love talking to kodie, Kingston talking to Kristal and miyah doing tiktoks. I guess there boyfriends left.

I sat up my back dosn't hurt anymore. But I have to pee, and take a shower. I sat up

Love. Sissy you need help?

I nodded Kingston came and helped me stand up. I got my crutches. I went got my night cloths. Then I went in the bathroom and started my showering and went and peed.

Me. Kingston

He came in here

Me. Can you wrap my leg

He nodded picking me up seating me on the counter. I took my pants off and he put the water proof thing on me.

Kingston. We bout to leave, I love you

Me. I love u to

He held my neck kissing my lips a lot of times before we tongue kissed. He got my hand kissing it and the ring leaving. I took the rest of my cloths off getting in the shower scrubing my body clean before getting out and drying off. My bathroom door opened. I looked seeing love

Love. Sissy can I sleep with you?

Me. Yea

Kodi. Me to?

Me. Yea

They ran off. I finished drying of putting my sports bra and panties on. Then I slid my over sized shirt on putting my boxers on. Then I got up limping out the bathroom.

Dad. Leylah

Me. Sir?

He walked in my room

Dad. U said they can sleep in here

I nodded putting my dirty cloths in my hamper.

Dad. You sure, your back still hurting u?

Me. Yeah, and it's still a lil sore but it's ok

Dad. You need any pain medication

Me. No, but probably for later.

I sat on my bed putting lotion on my leg and arms. Love and kodie came in with there night clothes on. I laid down putting a movie on and I laid on the pillow falling to sleep.



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