Chapter 80

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Kingston pov

It's been 3 days since leylah went missing. I haven't slept. I can't knowing she's probably hurt badly. I watched jazz bath the twins. Lay'lani has been crying on and off because she wants leylah.

Kentrell. Kingston

I looked at him

Kentrell. Wanna slide?

I nodded already knowing what he talking bout. I gave the babies kisses going with him. Hopefully we find her today.

Leylah pov

I woke up seeing him looking at me. He got up I whimpered. All he dose is rape me and beat me. He shoved himself in me bitting his bottom lip.

He smashed his lips into mine. He grabbed at my legs. I'm numb to the pain at this point. He pulled out and cum on my stomach. He left out. I gaged throwing up. I haven't eaten so I'm really feeling weak. I haven't even drunk water.

20 minutes later

I started hearing helicopters and sirens. I started to gain hope again. They found me, I'm safe. I started hearing glass braking and stuff. I let out a high pitch scream so they can hear me. And I guess that took all my strength cuz I passed out right after.

Kingston pov

I walkined in the house as the police was tearing everything up. I looked seeing a basement door. I went to it breaking the door down. I went down the stars and what I saw pissed me off.

She's here. She has dried up cum and fresh cum on her. She has bruises all on her. She looks slightly smaller. And I think she's passed out. Tears poured out my eyes.

The police came in and started saying stuff on there walkie talkies. Kentrell came in and instantly got pissed off. Nurses came in checking her as the paramedics cut her out the chains. The nurse put her on the bed thing rushing her out. Tears poured out my eyes.

We head to the hospital to meet them.

3 hours later

Leylah pov

I woke up feeling that I was in a bed. I looked down seeing Kingston laying on my stomach. He was just laying there with tears rolling down his face. I touched his face. He looked up at me and his face lit up. He sat up calling in a nurse. They got me water. Which I gladly drunk seeing as how I haven't drunk anything in a while.

Nurse. It was his dna on her. Would you like to press charges?

I nodded and She nodded then I mumbled

Me. Can I shower

She nodded kingston helped me up. My dad got up helping. Since Kingston was stumbling like he was weak as well. My dad handed me a bar of dove soap. Kingston helped me bath since I was so weak. I had him scrub me down 5 times because I felt so dirty. He dried me off putting panties and shorts on me.

I put my bra on and the shirt.

Me. I wanna see my babies

He nodded I brushed my teeth and he took me to lay down.

Dad. What y'all want to eat?

I didn't answer thinking about my babies. Kingston told him chicken. I looked around the room.

Kingston. You wanna face time the twins

I nodded looking at him. He facetimed jazz. She answered before giving lay'Lani the phone.

Lay'lani. Ma ma

Me. Ma ma here

She smiled big looking at me.

Leylah gaulden Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon