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"Find anything?" The voice of Scott McCall came from where he stood beside his motorcycle, awaiting for Stiles, Alina, and Liam to arrive back to the Jeep after their stalking of Theo Raeken was complete.

"Nope," Stiles answered shortly, walking past Scott and towards the driver's side of the Jeep.

"I fell in a hole!" Liam said proudly.

Alina looked over her shoulder at the boy, glaring at him before looking back to Scott. "Yeah, and I was dragged into a hole when someone fell into it." She sent one more glare to Liam who then sheepishly backed away.

"It was the bridge where his sister died, wasn't it?" Scott asked, ignoring the two sophomores' antics.

"Yes," Alina answered when Stiles went silent. She walked around the Jeep and sat in the passenger seat, just waiting to finally go home and climb into her bed. "It was very awkward and very embarrassing!" She called out through the sound of the Jeep door slamming behind her.

"So, we're going to leave now." Stiles placed the keys into the engine. "I'll drive Alina home," he informs while twisting the key, however, the engine only spluttered in response. "Son of a..." Stiles rubbed his head. Alina could tell he was becoming frustrated with everything going on even though nothing was going on at the same time. The stress and worry of trying to keep everyone safe from danger burdening on him. "Liam, do me a favour and just get in the car and turn the ignition when I say," Stiles instructs.

Liam climbed into the driver's seat where Stiles once sat. He and Alina watch as Stiles rounds to the front of the car and opens the hood. "You okay?" Liam asked.

"What?" Alina's brows furrowed.

"After we talked to Theo, something just seems off. Your chemosignals, I mean," Liam explains.

"Maybe you're mixing up my chemosignals with Stiles."

"Did something happen between the two of you?" Liam asks another question.

"No, not that it is any of your business," Alina sends him a glare.

"Try it!" Stiles shouts. Liam reaches forward and turns the key. The engine splutters, once again.

"Do you think he is up to something?" Liam peers over at Alina.

"I don't know. Do you?" She asks Liam back.

"I don't know," Liam looks down at his hands where he is currently picking at his nails.

"Try it again!" Stiles shouts, once more. So, Liam turns the key, once more, and the engine only spluttered in response, once more. Liam opened his mouth to say something else to Alina but he was cut off by Stiles' voice. "Because you trust everyone!" A shiver was sent down Alina's spine. She felt her lip tremble at the mere words being shouted from one best friend to the other.


Complete silence for seconds.

Alina did not bother listening to any further words shared between Scott and Stiles, instead, she focused on a message that popped up on her phone.

Unknown Number

Unknown Number:
You look just like your father.

Alina glanced over at Liam to see him looking out the window at Scott and Stiles. She focused her gaze back on the message that continues to light up her phone. The number is one she does not recognize, but whomever it is must know who she is. It cannot be just some coincidence.

Just then, a second message pops up.

Unknown Number:
But, you are more like your mother. Aren't you?

BLEEDING HEARTS ☆ liam dunbar | UNFINISHED Where stories live. Discover now