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Harry came downstairs behind Patricia after he'd put their suitcases in the proper room. He'd already spoken to everyone when they'd first come, since he and Zayn were the last ones to arrive, so he decided to go to the kitchen and help himself to a glass of freshly made tea, which Patricia had offered as they were walking down the stairs.

He spotted Zayn sitting at the counter on one of the bar stools and she was looking at a photo album.

"Looks like you and I are sharing the same bed for the next two days." He said with a lazy shrug.


"Yeah, and it all makes sense to me. Your mother told me the room I usually sleep in when we come alone, is the room Waliyha and Doniya are sharing, to keep anyone from having to sleep on the couch. Now everyone is in a bedroom. Your parents are in theirs, Safaa is in hers, Doniya and Waliyha are in theirs and you and I are in ours."

"Ours. That's funny." Zayn replied and she went back to looking at the album.

"Why do you have those?" He asked, looking at the two photo albums she had out.

"I'm looking for our family picture. Mum said it should be in this album. But if it isn't, then it's in that black one." She pointed towards it.

"Wait, didn't she frame a blown up version and hang it on the wall? Where's that one?"

"Yeah, I remember it and I asked to see it too. But she said that when they moved from the old house to this one, they put it in a storage unit across town. So I have to settle with looking at the smaller version."


Harry turned away from her and she reached out to tug at the tail of his plaid shirt. "Where are you going?"

"To the refrigerator to get some of your mother's fresh sweet tea."

"Mum made tea?"

"Yeah. She made it last night."

"Can you get me a glass too, while you're up then?"

Harry hummed and leaned down on his elbows in front of her. "Of course. And I guess I'll be doing a lot of catering to you in this relationship as well?" He asked in a low tone.

"It's been two weeks, baby. Better learn quickly." She teased.

"Baby? Ooh. First pet name. Different, but I like it."

She smiled and rested her forearms on the photo album while she looked at him as he did her. "It was just a tease. Don't get used to it."

"How cute. You really think you aren't going to end up giving me one."

"Where's my sweet tea?" She asked as she gave him an impatient, yet playful look. "I don't see it in front of me."

He leaned in and pecked her lips softly, then stood up with a smile. "Was that sweet enough for you?"

"No, not even close."

He leaned down and forward to do it again when he heard someone talking just to the left. "What are you two whispering about? Don't leave me out."

He jumped back, scratching the back of his head and looked up to see Patricia coming in smiling and she had her purse in her hand.

"W-we weren't even whispering mum. We were just... Just looking at this photo album." Zayn stuttered.

"Oh. Okay. Well, Waliyha, Doniya and I are going to the store to get tonight's dinner. Safaa is staying home with Yaser and you and of course Harry, unless you know... you wanted to come with us."

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