twenty five

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"Well that was good while it lasted." Harry mumbled as he stepped out of the shower. "The steam opened up my nose all the way."

"Yeah, for now." Zayn was wringing out her hair onto the shower floor. "But its going to close back up again, so you might as well blow it while you still can."

He grabbed some tissue from the roll beside the toilet and blew his nose, then flushed the paper down the toilet. "Remember when we were kids and we ate our boogers?"

"Harry, that's nasty." She said giving him a disgusted look.

"Oh, come on. Every kid did that." He said and he coughed.

"Yes but we are not kids anymore, so stop it." She grabbed a towel from the linen closet and began to wrap her hair with it. "What you need to do is lie down and get some rest. The more you rest, the quicker you'll get better and the least likely you'll get worse."

Harry growled, but he reluctantly went to the bed and got underneath the covers. "Why me? Why did I have to be the one to get sick?"

"Let's see... Mr. 'I'm Superman and I don't need a coat.'"

He licked his tongue out as he recalled the exact moment he said that. After they left the ice cream shop on Valentine's Day, Harry spontaneously suggested that they go for a walk on the boardwalk since it was right across the way. Zayn agreed but reminded him that he really shouldn't be walking out in the cold weather with no coat. He replied with that statement and went out anyway.

"Okay, maybe I'm not Superman but don't rub it in. That's still a goal of mine and I don't want to be discouraged from it."

Zayn went over to the drawer on her side of the bed and put on a pair of panties. "Please Harry. Let's just get realistic."

He huffed again, even louder than before. "Fine. Come lie down next to me then."

"No way. You've been coughing all over that bed and I don't want you coughing all over me. You're lucky I even got in the shower with you." She went into his closet, mumbling some other stuff about how she couldn't afford to get sick and miss her training days.

"Come on babe." He said sitting up and holding his arms out. "Don't be like that. Everybody knows that the quickest way for a man to get well is to show him some ass."

She came out of the closet frowning and wearing her favorite t-shirt of his. The one he'd practically given her to sleep in by now. "Why are you acting so immature today?"

He pretended to cry. "Because I need my woman next to me. I'm sick and it doesn't help that you refuse to kiss me. Don't I at least get a little sympathy?"

"No. Hardheaded men don't get sympathy and sick men don't get kisses from women who want to stay healthy. Now lie down and rest. And that is the last time I'm saying that."

Now he huffed for the third time and made a long drawn out groaning noise. She just ignored him. "I'm going downstairs to make you some lemon tea. I will be back up in a minute."

She walked downstairs to the kitchen and pulled a mug from the cabinet. Harry didn't have a kettle, so she settled with warming the water up in the microwave. After finding a bag of tea, she opened it up and dipped it in the water. Once most of the tea had dissolved into it, she put two teaspoons of sugar in and stirred it well. Then she cut two slices of lemon and squeezed the juice into the mug, causing the liquid to turn a lighter shade of brown. She was dropping the used lemon slices over in the tea, when there was a knock at the front door.

That caught her by surprise because no one was supposed to come by today. So who was outside? She left the tea on the counter, then went to peek through the little hole in the door. She could not believe who she was seeing but she opened it up anyway. "Anne." She greeted with a crooked smile. "What are you doing here?"

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