Chapter 26

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I woke up with everyone sleeping on my bed. They all looked so cute and like little babys. I chuckled quietly and went on my phone seeing messages from my mum. I clicked on her messages even tho i shouldn't have knowing she was gonna make me mad.

Mum : you should go die, stab your self you bitch

Mum : you aint my daughter your just a well known slag in sugarhill

Mum : you beat me up and left bruises all over me so go and hang yourself.

I looked at the messages and tears rushed down my face. I quietly walked out my room and seen a nore from my dad saying 'i left money on the counter, im at work by time your reading this so if you need anything then call me' 

I decided to not bother him so i went into the bathroom and silently cried. I pulled out a lighter from my drawer and started burning my wrist. The pain hurt but felt so good. dd told me to stop but i can't. I winced quietly and stopped because i heard someone move on the bed. I cried in my hands and it felt so good to let out all the tears i always hold back. 

I have to keep putting a smile on my face for everyone and its making me depressed. I hear a knock on the door so i quickly wipe my tears and open the door. I seen Notti there and he hugged me knowing that i have been crying. "Olivia what happen" he says so i pass him my phone showing him the messages. 

He put my phone down as i cried in his arms quietly. "everyone gon be ight, block ha" he says so i block her and sit on the toilet seat with the lid down. He sat on the floor with his legs up and his arms wrapped around them. "did you...try attempt before" he says so i shrug and then after a while nod. 

He got up and hugged me tightly before pulling away. "sorry for whats happening with your mum and shit" he says so i nod as i wipe my tears. He looked down not knowing what to say and seen my wrist and looked on the floor and seen a lighter. 

He pulled my arm to look at my wrist and then looked at me. I pull my arm behind my back but it was too late. He picked up the lighter and put it in his pocket and gave me a hair band outta his hair putting it on my wrist. "use that, you gotta stop that shii" he says so i smile because he is helping me alot.

"you good now?" he asks so i reply with "im straight" lying so we went back into my room seeing everyone still asleep. We both sat down and was talking and some how i end up telling him about my life, i told him about how i got raped, my little sister dying and all that shit. 

"im sorry i didn't know" he says scratching his head. "its cool" i say going on my phone and scrolling through instagram. Everyone woke up and i seen dd looking at me on the coner of my eye. 

"ma you good?" he asks seeing that i look like ive been crying. "yeah are you good nigga?" i ask so he chuckles and i smile. He kept looking at me so i rolled my eyes playfully. 

"why you rolling your eyes at me fo what i do" he asks playfully as well. "staring at me" i say laughing at him. I grab my laptop and start writing a essay since we all do online school.

"cuddle with meeee" dd says so i shake my head before speaking. "i gotta do this essay and it has to be done by like 2 days or something" "No cuddle with me" he says sounding like a ababy so everyone laughs.

"bro dd i cant im writing this essa-" i say getting cut off by him againg.

"NOOOOO" he shouts throwing a tantrum so i roll my eyes and close the laptop then lay next to him as his hand went around my waist. "haha i get want i want" he says so i roll my eyes again making everyone laugh even harder. 

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