Chapter 54

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I fell asleep on dd crying so when i woke up my face had dry tear drops. Everyone was asleep still so i decided to get in the shower. When i got out the shower everyone was still asleep so i sat on my bed and went on my phone.

I got an unexpected call from mine and x's ex bestfriend her name was Ellie and she was crying.

"i heard you tried overdose" she says still crying so i held in my tears.

"i haven't spoke to you in ages Ellie are you okay" i ask so she hums in response as a tear dropped down my face.

"uhh- you can come over today if you want" i say to her with my phone placed on my chest.

"okay ill be over later, can i let my self in" she says.

"fs, they key is under the mat hate you kidding love you bye" i say using the only words we always used to say.

"hate you kidding love you bye" she says ending the phone.

Everyone woke up and seen my already awake. "morning mama" dd says kissing my forehead. I smile in responce before hearing the door open and Ellie walking up the stairs.

"who is that" Notti says gripping his gun so i chuckle. "i forgot to tell you mine and x's friend Ellie was coming over, i told her she can let herself in" i say so Notti moved his hand from his waist and relaxing. 

Ellie opened my bedroom door and she looks like she has either been crying or smoking. "ellieee" i say hugging her as she hugged me back smiling.

"are you high or depressed" i say so she laughs. "bit of both" she says joking around and sitting on my gaming chair and looking at the boys. She looked kind of nervous and awkward so i chuckle.

"this is notti, ddot, dd and Dudeylo" i say pointing at all of them so she dabs them all up and lights a blunt. We was all sat down smoking and talking till Ellie said something about Tyler.

"do you still go out with Tyler" she asks so i shake my head and look at dd. "i go out with dd" i say so she nods her head looking confused. "tyler called me the other day and he asked me for nudes and i was like HUH" she says so everyone looked disgusted.

"prank call him" i say so she laughs and pulls out her phone calling him.

"wsg" Tyler says in a sleepy voice.

"do you want the pics or not?" Ellie says so everyone trys to hold in there laughs.

"im suprised your even sending anything because last time you was being real tight but i mean shii, send them then" Tyler says so she send a pic of her arm squished together and the camera zoomed in making it look like a bum.

"bro stop fucking playing or ill choke you" he says so everyone started to scream of laughter. "man said choke me, he is bugging" Ellie says as we laugh really hard.

After we was talking for abit Ellie got a message from a boy saying where are you im coming to get you. Ellie looked down at her phone and i could tell she was about to start crying. I quickly get up and take her to the bathroom.

"ellie whats wrong" i say as i held her head on my chest.

"do you remember when x beat up that boy for me, now x has died hes forcing me to be with him and now hes saying hes coming to get me" she says crying so i felt bad for her.

Notti walked in the bathroom with dd so Notti did what he does best, he started joking around making me die of laughter. "Ellie did you know Olivia sucked the whole on nyc dick, she told me" Notti says so Ellie let out a small laugh before wiping her tears.

She looked at me. "yo is that true" Ellie said so i chuckled, "no he is only playing, he does that when someones crying but it helps so" i say shrugging after.

"dd is gay by the way, he told me him and Olivia haven't fucked yet because he prefers dick" Notti says so dd raised a brow as i laughed hard.

"are you sure we haven't fuck because i remember her moan-" he says getting cut off by me. "STOP DD OR ILL DEAD ASS OOT YOU" i shout so Notti and Ellie stood there in shock letting out small laughs. 

" dd she gave you head?" ddot says walking in the bathroom with dudeylo. I shake my head to dd so he says. "hell yeah" I smack his head and walk out angry with everyone following along.

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