Chapter 70

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I woke up to an empty house and dd messaged me saying i had to go home my mum hasn't seen me in ages so i say okay and for some reason i feel like visiting x's grave today and talk to him about all my problems.

I arrive at the grave yard and see his grave so i place some fresh flowers and a necklace i bought for him before he died.

"i love you so much and i can't get you off my mind, as soon as something goes wrong i always think what would x do? If i didn't have you in my life i would of lost my mind to be honest. Losing you was the biggest peice of Trauma ive ever had before. Everyone i love dies, I dont wanna loose someone i love like you. I hope your watching down on me and listening to what im saying right now. I never hated you, i wanted to believe i did because if im being dead ass i never loved someone more then you and it scared me." i say before getting up as tears ran down my face.

I got a uber to the stables and i wanted to gallop around and get my mind off everything. "hi sarah" i say waving at her before seeing Wild run to me and put his head down so i gave him a hug. "hi goregous" i say laughing.

I rode around and it was the best feeling ever. I remember me and my dad used to do this everyday until dark. I got a call from dd while i was riding so i pulled the reins making Wild stop.

"hey ma where are you" dd asks so i sniff.

"im at the stables im on my way back home tho" i say.

"okay im at yours and you wasn't here so i wanted to see if you was ight. Love you bye princess" dd says so i smile.

"im straight and love you too" i say before hanging up and getting a uber back home.

I open the door and dd hugged me seeing that i looked like ive been crying. "whats happen ma" dd says still hugging me. "nothing i just went to x grave" i say as he pulled away and gave me a kiss.

"okay ma did you have a good time on wild" he says laughing at the name making me chuckle. "stop bullying my horses name rat" i say siiting on the sofa with him as he laughed at the name for like 10 minutes.

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