True as true can be

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Rick's POV.

Tomorrow is the start of one of Ellie's biggest tournaments of her career. Her competing in the World Cup last year was big, but this is the biggest of them all. Me, Bruce, Ken, Brian, Mom and Dad are here in London for the Olympics, and Ellie has her first match coming up tomorrow.

When the WPS suddenly folded before her season began, she came back up to Calgary and dad offered her a chance to wrestle for some quick easy cash, and she did. She's a great worker and I think she'd do great if she pursued it full time.

I was making myself a coffee in my hotel room and dad was waking up. We shared a room tonight since there was a mixup with his and mom's room, which should be fixed now. He was in his nightshirt as he swung his legs over the side, then the phone started ringing. I walked over and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered, wondering who'd call at this hour of the morning.

"Rick! It's me, Rich Baker! Is your dad there?"

I'm genuinely surprised, Rich is an old friend of my dad's from over here. They used to wrestle together way back in the day and he's a really nice guy too.

"Dad, it's Rich Baker." I handed the phone to him and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Hell the hell are ya, Rich?" Dad said excitedly and I went back to making my coffee.

I watched him intently, and next thing you know, he's pacing around the room holding the phone and he's really worked up. I don't know what Rich was telling him, but from what it looked like, it seemed he was saying something that was pissing dad off, which is weird. I finished making my coffee and then I could hear dad speak into the phone.

"Rich, if you'd wanted to try me, why didn't you try me?" He said in a raised voice. His face was red as he kept pacing around the room and the veins were coming out of his forehead.

That's when I put my drink down and decided to grab the phone off him, but all of sudden he slammed the phone down and sat down. He then looked up at me, shaking his head slightly.

"That basterd Ellie, she got me."

I started grinning before I couldn't help but start laughing, it never occurred to me that it was Ellie speaking. She has a knack for imitating voices and obviously she pulled this one off. How did dad come to realize it was her? I have no clue. Ellie has being a bit of a prankster since she was a kid, I can still remember her pranking some of the wrestlers that'd come and get their paychecks.

After finishing my drink, and getting changed. I went downstairs to the room where her team gathers for breakfast. A few of her teammates had left already and Ellie was at one of the tables with 2 of her teammates.

Ellie saw me and she smiled, "Nice job I did, didn't I?"

"Yeah, it sure was."

One of the two teammates she was sitting with, an older looking woman who I assumed had been playing for a very long time, looked me up and down before turning to Ellie. "Who's your friend? He's looking very handsome."

"This is one of my brothers, Rick."

"Yes, and I'm married." I say, giving her teammate a cocky grin, "Anyway, me, Bruce, Brian, Ken and mom and dad want to spend the day with you, Ellie."

She smiled and nodded, before saying her goodbyes to her two teammates as she got up and followed me. Bruce was already in the lobby waiting while mom, dad, Ken and Brian were still upstairs. He heard what Ellie did too. We talked about it and Ellie told us that she was pushing dad's buttons so much that she couldn't take it anymore. She was laughing while dad was saying all kinds of things to her.

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