Dream big and never give up

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Rick's POV

"I can't believe they with an resounding 13-0," Mom exclaimed, her face a mix of shock and elation. "At this rate they're most likely going to win it again."

I couldn't help but smile and nod in agreement. "Absolutely," I replied, sharing in her excitement.

Brian, Georgia, Ken, and Keith chimed in, affirming Mom's statement, while Dad silently nodded. The past few weeks had been incredibly challenging for us all, with the ongoing lawsuit weighing heavily on our minds. The constant persuasion from Bruce, Alice, and Rachel to side against Dave had fueled countless heated arguments among us siblings. It hadn't been easy. And truth be told, nothing had been easy for us since Jenny's passing. The toll was evident in Mom's struggle to cope and Dad's stoic demeanor that concealed the pain and sorrow reflected in his eyes.

Speaking of Bruce, Alice, and Rachel, the absence of the three of them at that moment brought a small sense of relief. A knock at the door interrupted our thoughts, and I rose to answer it. I opened the door and saw Dave standing there, his expression unreadable. "Dave, what's going on?" I asked, curious yet cautious.

"I, uh, have some news about the lawsuit," he replied, his voice tense with unease.

I ushered him in, and he walked into the living room. Mom greeted him with a warm smile. "Dave, how are you holding up?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Dave hesitated for a moment, his eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and apprehension. "I'm doing okay, and kids are doing good as well. I just wanted to talk to all of you about the lawsuit. The lawyers told me that WWE are counter-suing, claiming a breach of Jenny's contract and they want the case to be moved to Connecticut."

"What!?!" Brian exclaimed, "That's fucking bullshit! How is it a breach of contract when they were negligent with her safety? This is just another tactic to try and protect themselves, and to possibly profit from Jenny's passing."

"I know, Brian," Dave responded, his tone filled with frustration. "It's a dirty move, but they won't go down without a fight."

"I can't believe they would stoop so low," Georgia chimed in, her voice tinged with anger. "They're just trying to shift the blame and avoid taking responsibility."

"They're playing dirty, but we can't let them deter us," I added, determined. "We have a strong case."

Dad finally spoke up, his voice steady but filled with sadness. "Jenny would want us to fight for her. We owe it to her to hold them accountable for what happened."

A moment of silence filled the room as we all exchanged glances, the weight of the situation settling upon us. We were united in our pursuit of justice for Jenny, despite the divisions within our own family. No matter the outcome, we would stand together, fighting for what we believed was right.

Dave nodded, his gaze shifting from one family member to another. "I know it's been hard on all of you, especially with the family tensions," he admitted. "But we can't let that distract us."

"Who's gonna break the news to Ellie?" Ken asked, "She isn't going to take this well."

"I'll talk to her," I offered, a sense of responsibility weighing on me. "She deserves to know, even if it will be difficult for her to hear."

"Thank you, Rick," Mom said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I know it won't be easy, but she needs our support. Even if she is on the other side of the world."

We all nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of being there for Ellie during this time. As we prepared ourselves for the challenges ahead, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Despite the hardships we had faced as a family, we were stronger together. And together, we would fight for justice, for Jenny, and for each other.

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