Anywhere I Roam

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Hey! Took a long break off to focus on some personal stuff, and also because I found myself in a writers rut. So here's the new chapter!


The crowd roared with a mix of cheers and boos as we gained our 5th goal of the match. Our attack was too much for Thailand as every chance Pinoe, Alex, Tobin got the ball, they'd easily run through their defense.

Our defense was solid as a rock. I was doing my part, preventing anything from getting through, Kelley was doing her thing along with Kreiger and our midfield defense. Their attacks were just as strong as ours, but all of us defenders in the midfield, and the backline, were just as strong as them.

"Ellie! Pass it on!" Kelley shouted from her side.

I swiftly turned and passed the ball to Kelley, who was poised and ready. Her foot connected with the ball in a clean, crisp kick that sent it sailing towards Lindsey, who was waiting nearby. The stadium fell into a tense silence before erupting into deafening cheers as Lindsey shot a powerful kick towards Pinoe, who shot a header into the net.

"WOOO!" was all Kelley and I could muster as we ran over to Pinoe and threw our arms around her, jumping up and down in celebration as everyone else ran over.

Even though this wasn't the final game, earning this win would be one step closer to our ultimate goal. Returning home with the gold in our hands for our 4th star.


Everyone was all smiles as we got on the bus to take us back to our hotel. We won our match 13-0, putting on a dominant display of soccer that showed that we as a team were firing on all cylinders. I sat down at the back of the bus on the seat next to the window and put on my earbuds, and began listening to music to wind down after a big game. Alex sat down next to me, a big smile on her face that made me smile too. That same smile that made me fall in love with her from the beginning.

I had put my Spotify on shuffle to give me some variation instead of just pressing play on one of my many playlists. That's when I heard the telltale intro of a sitar, and I checked my phone to see what song it was. That's when I saw the song's title "Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica. After around 29 seconds of the sitar notes, the rest of the instruments kicked in, tunes and riffs in full force. I tapped on the armrest of the bus and nodded my head to the song.

"And the road becomes my bride

I have stripped of all but pride

So in her I do confide

And she keeps me satisfied

Gives me all I need

And with dust in throat I crave

Only knowledge will I save

To the game you stay a slave

Rover, wanderer

Nomad, vagabond

Call me what you will"

Listening to those lyrics somewhat resonates with my life being a pro soccer player. I'm always on the road whether it's an Away game with the Stingers, or it's a match with the National Team. There's a deep connection between me and the road, I guess you could say that there always has been one since the days when I'd travel around the territory my dad ran with Wildcat Wrestling, driving the truck that contained the ring in my teenage years during High School before taking off for Stanford, and when I was an active wrestler for his promotion after WPS folded. Back then, the road seemed to be a metaphorical partner or companion, representing freedom and adventure. The road had indeed become my bride, as I had dedicated my life to the sport I loved. I had sacrificed many things along the way, but the satisfaction and fulfilment it brought me made it all worthwhile. The constant travel, the hotel rooms, the different cities and stadiums—all of it had become familiar, almost comforting.

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