Let's do this

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Jenny's POV.

"Bloody hell!"

I woke up to the sound of Dave's exclamation from the bathroom. His British accent was in full force. I giggled mischievously as I sat up in bed. I had some fake spiders lying around, and I decided to put them to good use. As Dave walked out of the bathroom, his towel wrapped around his waist, he scowled at me, and I couldn't help but laugh knowing he had gotten scared.

"You think that's funny, do you?" Dave asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Maybe," I replied, still laughing.

He stalked over to the bed, climbed in, and pinned me down so I couldn't move. He started tickling me, and I squirmed, trying to get away from his fingers.

"Stop! Stop!" I said, gasping for breath between laughs.

He finally relented, and I lay there, panting and smiling. Dave leaned down and kissed me. "You're lucky I love you."

"I know," I said. "But I'm also lucky you have a sense of humor."

He grinned and kissed me again. "That's true. You have to leave tonight for the pay-per-view on Sunday, right?"

"Yeah," I responded, sighing. "I've got a house show tomorrow, then I'm off to the PPV." Dave nodded, his face somber. "I'm gonna miss you," he said.

I smiled and kissed him. "I'm gonna miss you too. But you've got Terry and Anna to keep you company."

"Leaving me with the kids, are ya?" he said, pretending to be offended. I giggled. "You love them, and they love you. I'm sure you'll survive until I get back."

He nodded and hugged me close. "I'm gonna count the seconds until you come back home."

"Me too, but hey, at least we get to move into our dream home next week." I said, snuggling into his embrace, his muscular arms holding me tight.

"So am I packing while looking after the kids?" He asked me with a grin on his face and I smiled.

The two of us have been planning our dream home for years now, and we've finally made it happen. We saved his money that he saved from when he wrestled, and combine that with the money I've been making yearly, it was enough to plan out and build our home of our dreams. It's outside of Calgary, on a long stretch of road. We wanted something that was big and huge, while maintaining our privacy. I've been saving all of my money for this and for him and the kids so we can all love comfortably.

I didn't want to pull away from Dave, so I stayed where I was in his embrace, just enjoying his presence. "Let's take the kids to the zoo today, before I go," I said. He smiled and kissed me again. "Sounds like a plan," he said.

I got up from the bed, and Dave headed to the shower. The steam from the shower filled the bathroom as I prepared myself for the day. I stepped into the warm, hot water, and the feeling was like a comforting embrace. I closed her eyes, letting out a content sigh as I grabbed my shampoo bottle and pushed down on the pump, releasing the sweet scent of strawberries into the air. I lathered up her hair and skin, enjoying the moment of relaxation.

Once I was dressed, I got dressed and met Dave and the kids downstairs. "Morning, mom!" Terry said, who was sitting next to Anna's high chair.

"Good morning!" I said, smiling. "Are you guys ready to go to the zoo?"

They both nodded their heads enthusiastically, and I laughed. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the air, and I smiled, knowing it was going to be a good day. "Here," Dave said, handing her a plate of food. I sat down and started to eat, savouring the taste of the eggs and bacon. Dave sat down next to me, and we all sat in companionable silence as the sound of Anna's giggles filled the air. It wasn't long before we were packing up the car and heading to the zoo. The kids were so excited; they could hardly sit still. We arrived at the zoo, and Terry raced off while I was picking Anna up out of her car seat. Dave laughed and shook his head, his eyes full of love. We walked around the zoo, looking at the animals and watching the kids' faces light up with joy. We stopped at the snake exhibit and Dave held Anna while Terry reached into the enclosure and touched the snake. "Mommy, look!" he said, beaming. I smiled and took a picture of him. "Good job, Terry," I said.

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