Just part of...

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"Just part of..."

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

I'm walking to my room as I see my beloved boyfriend, Airen, sitting on my bed with his back facing me.

"HANGIINNN!" I screeched his name as I attacked him with a hug. We both fell into bed as I laughed while he was hissing at me.

"That hurts, you know!" He hissed, but I just laughed.

He waited for me till I finished my laugh. "Are you done now?" He said as I wiped the tear at the corner of my eye. "Yeah, yeah, I'm done laughing," I said as I wiped my tear at my right eye.

"Anyway, what brought you here?" I asked as I cheekily smiled at him.

He hugged me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I missed you; that's why I paid you a visit," he said softly.

"How sweet of you!" I giggled.

Minutes passed as the eerie silence consumed us.

The silence broke down because of my tears.

"Why are you crying?" he said worriedly at me. I gave him a smile while my tears were still pouring down.

"Hangin... I have a question." I bit my lips as I took a deep breath.

"Spill it, Pres." He patted my head to calm me down.

"What if... what if you are not real? that you don't exist in this world? "What would you do and what would you say?" My words are cut off as he kisses my forehead.

"I would do this," he hugged me very tightly, "and I would say, "Thank you for believing and loving me, even if I'm not actually real. However, I still have a place in your heart that made me happy, and I'm sorry I can't stay longer with you. You have to forget me now and live your life to the fullest and with a smile", " he told me with a smile. I hugged him tighter, and my tears kept falling.

"Ma'am? Here are your medicines; don't forget to drink water, okay?" I looked at the nurse at my door with tears pouring down my cheeks. I looked back to Airen, but he is nowhere to be found. My Hangin is no longer in my arms, like he disappeared like a bubble.

I look around as I'm still in my room... but not my colorful room... my white room

The reality hits me hard.

I'm being diagnosed with maladaptive daydreaming, and now I'm in my room in this mental hospital...

I'm being sent here because...

Airen, my hangin, my boyfriend, didn't exist in this world, and he'll never be...

He didn't die in any accident, murder, or suicide.

But because he is just part of...

Just part of my imagination


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