Blog #3

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Blog #3

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

When your family keeps scolds and shouts at you. Not to mention comparing you to others. Repeating that you're focusing over the internet

Little did they know, I'm here at internet because I'm looking out for everyone I promised that I would stay with. They didn't know how many people seeking for help here as I am trying to help them with the best I could. They didn't know what kind of job I have while I'm in internet.

I'm multitasking, comforting my friends while I'm studying, they didn't know.

They didn't even know how much pressure and negativities I'm receiving everyday, Everytime, every single minute.

Keep holding at the top of the cliff, asking for help, they are helping me but my body refuse to take their hands..

Probably, my trust issues moves again

I'm so scared, alone, helping myself, remembering what is my worth, trying to convince myself

 I hate it

Suicide? No, no don't worry. I'm fine. Not thinking those. Just, pressured and hold it too much

Can I have a day of letting me be alone and do what I want?

Just once?

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