Blog #9

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Blog #9

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

Why some people are "marupok" or twiggy?

We only have one reason for that

It's because we hope. We hope that even if there are no chances or low chances rather. We hope things will be better, we hope people who hurt us change for good, we hope everything will be okay, and we hope those things no matter how hard it is.

We know it is hopeless, how hopeless these things and people are. But we love them, we trust and have faith in them. We can't just give up on them, they might need a person who'll support and stay with them. And we want to be that person.

But the probability says the opposite. Most of us failed to reach that goal because things backfired on us. And few survivors have their happily ever after.

It's just unfair for us. Those people we tried to save, we hoped and trusted is the one who'll destroy us. We just wanted their best. We just think about their sake, leaving ourselves selfless. It's too one-sided. Why do things have to turn against us?

But you know what's funny? They don't even care nor consider our feelings in that decision they'd made. It's just that. We cried a river because of the overwhelming pain. Yet they are like "ignore" us crying for a shoulder. Imagine, you abusing your healthy mind, emotions, and physical body. All just because of that certain person. We give it all even the love that should be given to ourselves. But THAT people abused and did not even dare to ask nor noticed the efforts we give to them.

But what if that person who hurt you is your safe home? It's more devastating. Because in that case, we got no one to rant, vent, and seek help. In the end, every night we feel the pain they caused. We cry alone or hold it. If our pillows could talk, they'll complain because we soaked them with our tears.

If you reach this part of my blog, I just wanted to say. Please check on every people you are somewhat close with or even best friends. Ask them if you hurt them. Probably you hurt them unconsciously and it damage them but they just didn't tell you. However, for other people who hurt other people for a selfish reason, remember that it's better to be early than late. Apologize now and make up that mistake of yours. You don't know what pain your friend had been through. For those "marupok" or twiggy people like me, please think of yourself as well. If it's too much, let go. If they love us or whatever, they'll come back to us. But now, think of yourself.

That's all, thanks for reading!

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