Castle on a cloud

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"Castle on a cloud"

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

"There is a castle on a cloud..." I sang softly while looking out of the window staring at the setting sun that was somehow covered by silhouette of the clouds

"I like to go there in my sleep~" I sung as I took myself away from the window, bringing my gaze back at the dusty floor I'm sweeping with. With the broom in my hands, I start sweeping while continue singing

"Aren't any floors for me to sweep" I sweep as I take a slow spin while I sweeping the dusty floor. I sweep and spin like a cleaning ballerina in this house. I have no more family nor parents, tho I'm living alone with my cousin. My cousin is not that bad, he is just working overseas so I'm all alone here.

"Not in my castle on a cloud" I softly sung as I finally finished sweeping the floor. I put the broom back in the storage room as I get the wooden pail so I can fetch a water at the well in the woods. I wear my cloak before went off

"There is a lady all in white" I continued singing as I skipped while tiptoing to the woods. Not minding the spooky and cold atmosphere it brings to me. I just focused at the direction I'm trying to track to and keeps singing my favorite song

"Holds me and sings a lullaby" I started flashback all my memories with my late mother who died in unknown way. However, I really have fun in all my memories with her. She's my favorite friend, my best friend, my beloved mother.

"She's nice to see and she's soft to touch" I sung as I hugged the wooden pail and run my finger trailing at the crack of the pail. Trying to imitate how my mother touched me so tenderly like I was the most fragile glass that she ever saw.

"She says Cosette I love you very much" I whispered as I cracked a sad and satisfied smile. I really missed my mom, she's my only ally. I don't know how she died but I remember that is her most used words to me. Such lovely and sweet words..

I was about to sing the next lyrics but "I know a place where no ones lost" that voice.. it's familiar.. it's my mother's voice! I looked around and trying to catch her even just her shadow, I want to meet her again!

"I know a place where no one cries" it continues as I threw the pail away and follows where that voice comes from. I called out my mother's name hoping she would answer me as the voice brings me in foggy part of the forest. It's much far away from the well i planned to go to

"Crying at all is not allowed" I wiped my tears away from the corner of my eyes and smile in excitement and longing as I saw something after the fog slowly disappeared. My mouth gaped in awe seeing what can be seen at the end of the cliff. I stepped forward till it became run towards it

"Not in my castle on a cloud" I half shouted and singing the end of the song as I entered the castle. Yes, the thing that was located at the end of the cliff is this castle, that is like what does in my favorite song lyric's described. a castle on the cloud but..

Instead of I stepped on the castle's doorstep. I stepped on the air as I feel the air pressure trying to pull me up but the gravity is too strong and pulls me down.

It was before I realized, that castle and voice were only my illusions.. my hallucinations, they're not real but only fiction. I tried to scream "help" but nothing came out from my throat and only.. nothingness. My eyes didn't widen, except I watched how I hit the pointy boulder that awaits me at the bottom part of the cliff

That was the end of my dream, the end of my castle on the clouds

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