Blog #1

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"Blog #1"

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

We're now going off in our vacation island. It's somehow fun after a week staying here. Well, we explored the whole island just visiting our relatives who lives there. Though, now we are going off and saying goodbye to them

Do you know? I hate saying goodbyes. Why? So complicated.. very complicated. I hate it's meaning.. I hate sting goodbye because it's like it's saying GOODBYE, literally. I rather saying "see you soon!" Or "see you later/ see ya!" Than goodbyes

Before we goes to the car so we can go to the pier, my little cousin hugs his grandmother tightly And broke in tears while saying goodbye. My auntie and uncle comforts him by convincing him that we'll going back at Christmas vacation. He was convinced yet still bailing out

Now, my 3 cousins broke down in tears too, perhaps they have soft heart. They comfort my little cousin and so themselves. Only me and my oldest cousin stayed dry and not joining them crying. I don't know why I didn't cry like them, perhaps I'm stone hearted?

We rode off at the car, an eerie silence consumed the whole journey and only my little cousin's sobs can be heard. As we now arrived at the pier and staring at slowly vanishing island while on the ship.

Now tell me, is it really hurt when you say goodbye? Or maybe I'm just thinking it so deeply and forgot that it's just a word that means farewell?

But whatever your opinion is, goodbye is one of my most hated word. Yeah it's painful but even just in small hope, I'll grab it even in the end Im lost already

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